
My 1st Mother’s Day Hint

I know, I know, probably my first mistake here is that I am hinting about gifts for Mother’s Day in the first place. I should probably just make a nice list but I truly am someone that likes a surprise – the punchline here is that the joke is usually on me because I am constantly surprised at the gifts I get from my husband and kids. I don’t wear eyeglasses but feel completely lost in the summer months without sunglasses like those who wander around aimlessly looking for their regular eyewear.

I need a new pair desperately but am unsure, with the price of some sunglasses running as high as regular prescription glasses (which, really, are more important and needed than shades) I don’t know if I should spend the money on a really good (read: expensive) pair or keep on buying some super frugal eyewear that I can toss if one of my kids happens to sit or stomp on them.

I want to look good in my hot summer glasses this summer but does that mean I have to spend the money to do so? A friend of mine bought a pair of designer sunglasses a few years ago and I seethed with envy at the time – I should ask her if they are still in one piece as she has 2 kids as well! Victoria Beckham manages to do it with 3 boys but then again she probably has hired staff specifically to keep the kids away from the sunglasses!

I realize buying any type of glasses, prescription eyeglasses or sunglasses is a personal thing and what might look good on Mrs Beckham may not look the same on me, so my plan is to go and try on a few (gazillion) pairs and then give my husband the specific item info so he can go shopping with the kids and buy me the perfect pair for Mother’s Day. I just need to decide if I want those glasses to cost the same as a few lattes or the entire espresso maker itself. Your thoughts, are name brand sunglasses worth the splurge?


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