
Go Mama Go Designs

I am convinced that companies are purposely making amazing products just to kick my uterus into overdrive and make the decision on baby #3 happen before I know it. The idea behind, and gorgeous look, of Wonder Bumpers are both equally attractive. Did you or do you use crib bumpers? When I was pregnant with my first I spent a pretty penny on a nice crib bedding set (lesson learned, I only used the sheet and bedskirt from it).

I was too scared to use the crib bumpers with both my kids – when they were infants I was scared of the suffocation risk and as they got older I was scared they would use them to climb on and propel themselves out of the crib.

If I had known about Wonder Bumpers from Go Mama Go when my kids were infants I’d have been all over this website! Wonder Bumpers are sleek vertical flat pads that tightly wrap around each individual crib bar. I know right?! GENIUS!

There are so many designs to choose from, and you can mix and match to create a unique pattern of your choice. We were sent a Baby Basics Blue and Cream 24 Pack of Wonder Bumpers (ARV $99.00) to check out. The first thing I noticed was how heavy the bag itself was – the material used is good quality and padded well. The second thing I noticed, upon opening the bag, is how soft the fabric is. When placing them on my daughter’s crib to test, I appreciated that there’s actual zippers to secure each one to the crib (no annoying ties).

The sets can be purchased in groups of 2, 24, or 38 so the first thing you need to do is count your crib bars and then decide if you want the bumpers on each end as well.

I am so impressed with the ingenuity of Go Mama Go and the beautiful designs they offer in the Wonder Bumpers. Finally parents can stop cringing when their babies crash into the crib rails in the middle of the night and sleep soundly knowing they are protected and safe in their cribs. Yay Go Mama Go!

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  • I was really impressed by my Wonder Bumpers also. I also noticed how heavy the bag was when I received it. The material is better than any other baby product I have come across. Wonder Bumpers are best newest product out there for babies. They solve all the crib bumper worries that expecting parents might have. Over the past couple years there have been quite a few infant deaths catagorized as SIDS due to the unsafe traditional bumpers. I wouldn’t take any chances and would go out and purchase Wonder Bumpers. They are a fool proof product that are easy to put on and keep your infants crib completely safe. Wonder Bumpers along with the standard crib sheet and dust ruffle are the only thing you need for your infants crib. Go Mama Go Designs also has great crib sheets and dust ruffles, you could order all three at once and save,