
DisneyNature: Earth

My family was excited to be able to review the first release from Disney’s new motion picture label, DisneyNature, the spectacular and truly awe inspiring Earth. Available on BluRay and DVD (including Disney’s awesome dual disc sets where you can purchase both in one package) on September 1st, this was a great opportunity for our family to watch something we could each enjoy in our own way.

The opening scenes featuring a mama polar bear and her young elicited many “aweeeeee’s” from the kids, though they didn’t notice the mention at the end of this scene by narrator James Earl Jones that in all likelihood not both baby polar bears would survive the first year.

This is the treat of a movie like this – children can appreciate the visual aspects, the cute animals and stunning areal shots. Adults can appreciate learning more about the planet we inhabit and the creatures on it. My favorite scene was that of baby ducklings learning to fly (or flop as the case was) from their nests for the first time. My son and I also cracked up at some of the species of birds and their dances to ‘show off’ to the female birds. James Earl Jones cracked ME up…somehow hearing him say “Get down, baby” is just wrong. 😛

I was concerned that there would be some hunting scenes that I would have to explain to my 5 year old later but Disney didn’t let me down. In a scene where a wolf is hunting a baby caribou, it cuts off right as the wolf reaches his prey. In a later scene with a cheetah hunting an antelope, the slow motion chase was agonizing to watch only because as an adult I know the fate of the antelope. My son, however, watched with wide eyes more because of curiosity than fear. This scene went a bit further, we see the cheetah reach his prey (who tumbles) and pounce, but there is no blood or gore and we’re onto the next scene. So, yes there are some scenes that may not be suitable for all children to watch but as a parent that task is yours alone to decide. My 5 year old got through it well and has watched it more than once. My toddler of course just freaks out over the cute animals.

Keep an eye out for DisneyNature: Earth on DVD and BluRay Tuesday September 1st!

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