Giveaways and Reviews

Chicken Soup for the Soul – Extraordinary Teens (closed)

Teens are an interesting breed. When I was one I was completely sure of myself and was also pretty sure the rest of the world couldn’t possibly understand me. Now that my nieces and nephews (and a few of my own friend’s kids!) are teens, I realize I was probably right back then because I sure as heck don’t quite understand them myself right now! I’m unsure if a regular chat about life is inspiring to them or yawn-worthy. I’m not sure if I should offer a hug or back away slowly.

The teens in my own life are pretty fabulous themselves. I’m a proud aunt to 14 year old Bantam AA hockey star and 16 year old kick butt soccer star (and fashionista). Giving them this book is my way of saying, “Hey, I think you’re pretty awesome….yo.” without sounding like an incredible (old) nerd.

Featuring more than 50 celebrity contributors, the book is full of short stories of trials and tribulations, and personal success strategies. I thought I wouldn’t recognize most of the names included in this book but there’s a lot that are not currently teens – they’re just sharing stores from their teenage years. Celebrities that caught my eye and I flipped to read about instantly were Kari Byron (Mythbusters) and Danica McKellar (Wonder Years, I totally wrote her a fan letter when I was 11 and got a form letter back…I was so proud).

Like all Chicken Soup for the Soul books, the stories are inspiring and give the reader some food for thought. In this case, the book is a great read for a young person in your life that could use some encouragement, or just a simple nudge to let them know you happen to think they are pretty extraordinary the way they are.

3 of my readers are going to win a copy of Chicken Soup For The Soul – Extraordinary Teens. To enter, just tell me who you would like to win this book for.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on August 30th at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses

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