“You’re welcome, honey!”
I wish I had a Temporary Language tee for my son when he was a baby. I know mamas can relate – your child has their very own language that only you (and most times dad) can understand, while others look at you completely confused when your little one starts babbling. You are mommy – Translator Extraordinaire!
Temporary Language is the other baby of dad entrepreneur Bill Shore who noticed all the adorable things his little guy was saying that he easily understood but others likely did not. “Temporary language”, he thought, and one night penned a song with that title about how fleeting those special moments in childhood are. Temporary Language tees celebrate this time as well, by matching up an image with your child’s own word for it. YOU get to design exactly what word you want on the shirt, as obscure as it may look when printed out.
When I was looking on the website and deciding what shirt would be appropriate for my 16 month old, my son (4) and I had a discussion about baby language. It was then that I remembered that his word for “thank you” was “tattoo” and it was the cutest thing ever. He, of course, thought this was hilarious that he would have said such a thing as a baby. Yep, time flies.

Bill from Temporary Language has been a pleasure to work with, and he’s offered 1 Translation Tee to 1 lucky winner! To enter, comment here telling me your own cute mispronounced words from your little ones.

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