
Cleaning House

No this isn’t a review on house cleaning products but I don’t doubt you’d think that! I’m a busy bee here, constantly talking to companies, mom-preneurs, and once in awhile to the nice courier guy who drops off a parcel. It’s a real treat being able to do what I do and of course I’m looking for ways to make it better.

Just a few things to touch base with my readers on, and I thought I’d do it all in one place!

~ Readers can pretty much count on a daily review and/or giveaway here on my blog. I do them ahead of time of course and try to have one new thing waiting here when you come to visit each day. If a day slips by without one, that means life has thrown me a curve ball which did happen this week but I had some goodies saved to post in my absence. I’m pretty consistent and wanted to let you know that Feisty Frugal and Fabulous can be counted on to bring you new products consistently too!

~ Readers also can count on me to give you an actual review. No copy/pasting paragraph upon paragraph from a company’s site. This really irks me when I read it on other blogs, and I feel it does a disservice to the hard work that I and many amazing bloggers out there do. Know that when I review a product for you, my hands have touched it, I’ve used it, my children have used it. I don’t think it’s fair to bash a product that doesn’t live up to my own expectations, but I will let readers know when I think something could be improved upon or alternatively when I find a product that knocks my socks off.

~ For the most part I’ll keep posting images of Random.org wins in a linked post for readers to actually view, just not on the main page. Often times I do several draws at once, which would take up a tremendous amount of room on the ‘front’ of my blog which I feel should be used to feature products more than anything. So, a link will always be provided in my ‘win’ post. I thought it was a fabulous idea until I realized it was almost double the work, whoops, but it does keep things neat and clean so I’m going to continue that.

~ Numbered comments: I’ve mentioned this before but thought I’d touch on it again. My comments are numbered and go from 1-200 but once they pass 200 they end up on a second page. The second page is also numbered 1-200. Ack!!! So, on page 2 of comments, number 138 is actually 338. Clear as mud, right? So, if you see a Random.org image of a win and the number in the win and the number in the comment seem to not be an exact match, this is why. My comments and posts are always kept on the site so readers can look back and see how they do match up.

~ Hmmm, what else? Oh! I think I’m going to stop saying “Company : Review & Giveaway” as the title of my posts, and leave it to just the company name. Again, for the sake of neatness, and because I’m weird that way, it just looks more neat and concise.

~ Please make sure to read the eligibility requirements for the giveaways. 90% of them are open to Canada/US but a few are Canada only or US only. I delete comments from people who don’t qualify but it does cause me more work. The reason why I delete them and not leave them there to be disqualified later is because I don’t want others to see their fellow blogger friend entering in error and think they are eligible too, etc., etc. Again, it’s just me and my insane need to keep everything all neat and orderly. It’s a sickness, I know this. 😛

~If you know of someone who has a great product they’re marketing, or have come across a company and would like it reviewed, definitely email me (contact info in my profile). My friends have suggested some great products for review in the past and I am thankful!

If you have any suggestions for the blog, any feedback, or just have something to say, email me directly or of course comment here. Thanks for reading, and continuing to read. I DO read all my comments and appreciate the emails I receive from readers.


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