Giveaways and Reviews

The Mac Daddy of Double Strollers

Stroll-Air-My-Duo-Double-StrollerFriends of mine that are moms of two kids close in age have my full respect.  And my open door for drinks whenever they need them!  How do they do it?  Two under two??  Three under three??  Amazing.

Fortunately for my sanity, my kids are all almost exactly 3.5 years apart.  This wasn’t by choice.  There was a time when my first was under a year that we found ourselves pregnant, and one of the first things I purchased (second-hand!) was a double stroller.  Sadly, that pregnancy ended in miscarriage but it gave me a quick lesson on how life can change in an instant when you’re faced with two babies close in age.  Our life would have been very different had things turned out differently.  Not bad, just different!

So, I can understand why the search for a double-stroller is an important one.  Of all the baby items that you need to double-up on when you have two children close in age, pushing two strollers is rather ridiculous.  So, a double-stroller for many families is a necessity.  There’s so much to choose from of course, and the price definitely goes up with the added features and benefits associated with a double-stroller.

When Stoll-Air reached out to see if I’d be interested in checking out the My Duo Stroller, I was intrigued.  What makes this brand so popular with moms?  Why does the My Duo get rave reviews like “The Stroll-Air My Duo is nothing short of a mother’s dream come true!” (Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine)?

Stroll Air My Duo reviewThe box itself is huge, but putting the actual components together took no time at all because of this.  Everything you need is at-hand and once you’re all set up, you’re rolling!  Literally.

The Stroll-Air My Duo comes with (are you ready for this?):

• lightweight aluminum chassis with wheels
• 2 stroller seats with hoods
• 2 foot covers
• diaper bag with changing pad
• 2 front bars
• large shopping basket with 3 pockets
• 2 mosquito nets
• 2 rain covers

Optional features include a basinette seat if buying this stroller for a newborn sibling, snack-tray and even a hop-on board for a third child to tag along ( gosh….more praise for moms of 3 pushing them all!!)  I liked that the seats themselves can be faced in either direction – so parents can have a younger child facing them while the older child can see the world, for example.  Or in the case of fighting children, having them facing opposite directions might work well too…just sayin’.

The 2013 model of the My Duo also has some new and improved features from previous models.  These include:

– Locking clip (automatic)
– Magnets on hood peek-a-boo window (LOVE THIS!)
– Deeper seat
– Longer backrest
– Longer footrest

A great website called (yes, focused on having two babies back to back!) highlights 12 things to consider when purchasing a double stroller, and I agree these are great things to look at – even when purchasing a single!  One thing mentioned by my friends with double-strollers it that it’s important that your double stroller be able to actually get through doors in places you tend to frequent.  A stroller holds no value if you can’t get it through the door at your local grocery store!

The My Duo was easier to maneuver than expected – a lot of thought goes into the design I’m sure for this reason.  We especially liked the ample storage space underneath (double stroller means double space) which also included pockets to safely store smaller items like your wallet, phone, etc.  The hoods are huge (!!) which is a great bonus when walking in the summer months.  The 2 front bars are completely removable, and the seats are easy to recline.  My husband (because, let’s face it, he’s the one who hauls it) remarked on how light the stroller is (29lbs but it doesn’t feel like it).  The Mountain Buggy Terrain, for example, is 29 lbs and is a single stroller.  Available in green, red, or black, you’ve got some great color options too!

You can find all the information you need about the Stroll-Air My Duo on the Stroll-Air website, including information on all their products available.  The Stroll-Air My Duo currently retails for $799.99 on

Also, you can watch the creators and owners of Stroll-Air on one of my favorite shows, Dragon’s Den, right here!


One of my readers is going to win a Stroll-Air My Duo Stroller (2012 model) in green (MSRP $799.99!)  To enter to win, just use the Rafflecopter form below!
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