Based in Victoria, British Columbia, Tiny Giggles focuses on environmentally friendly products for very little people, little people, and their...
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Noodle & Meatball, named after the sons of sisters Autumn and Erin (nicknames, that is), is a clothing line focusing on creative handmade...
I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day! We had a great trip to Calgary, Alberta, and just got home this evening. Got the kiddos off to bed...
organicKidzā¢ products are a safe and practical alternative to plastic, aluminum and glass drinking containers. Our products do not contain BPA...
DaRiMi Kidz was created by moms Carol Schlessinger and and Jennifer Wolfe who found that in the US, there was clearly a need for sun-protective...
I’m on vacay this weekend, my hubby and I took the kids to Calgary, Alberta for some R&R (and shopping of course!) I know I have readers...