Have you seen the Unilever Beauty Tip of the Day widgets on blogs? Mine is stuck at the bottom (I couldn’t make it fit nicely in my sidebar...
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We should all try and be a little more eco-friendly. We owe that much to our planet and our kids. Still, there’s some of us who have this eco...
CertainDri #62 JoAnn, #35 GabbyLowe, Softlips PURE #31 Kristin
Congratulations! Winners have been emailed and have 72 hours to respond.
I am so not a baker-extraordinaire. I am becoming a pretty fierce cook but baking is much too precise for me and I end up with more disasters than...
Beibi Shoes #21 Jill, Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom DVD #249 grannyvon
Glade #116 pish, #156 Shoz, #83 Nicole
Congratulations! All winners have...
As soon as the weather turns crisp, I pull out even more candles than already have in my house year round. There’s something about the cooler...