Anyone that’s familiar with infomercials knows about The Magic Bullet. My husband loves infomercial products, and once or twice he’s...
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Here’s proof to my American readers that Canadians are just as hip as our southern friends. Ok, scratch that. We’re just hella...
In 2009 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) significantly increased the recommended daily fiber intake standards, far above the previous...
Just before Christmas I received a fantastic book from Custom Made For Kids that I couldn’t wait to give to my son. He opened it on Christmas...
When I received my Keurig Platinum Brewer in late December, I was so excited to start sampling the 100’s of varieties of coffee, tea, and cocoa...
When I had the opportunity to review Bakugan Vol. 6: Time For Battle, released January 19th from The Cartoon Network, I was eager to check it out. ...