Canadians love their Tim Hortons coffee, and it would be astounding to get numbers on how many coffees are purchased daily in our country. A few...
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Having recently experienced first hand how intense the sun can be in Mexico, I know that when (it’s inevitable now, I have to take the kids to...
Flying back to Saskatchewan, I flipped through the airline’s seat pocket magazine, and interestingly enough came across an article titled “Top 5...
Confession time – I totally adore Justin Bieber. A few months ago I was annoyed at all the hysteria over this teenage boy from Canada but...
I get that daily. Now that Elijah is 6, he has fun deciding what’s for lunch some days which helps me a lot! Still, a mom can get tired of...
When I was chosen to be a Constructive Playthings Mom, my kids had no idea how lucky they were. Every month, I will be bringing my readers a new...