After the daring rescue of a spider, a young boy named James gains possession of some magic
crocodile tongues. When James spills them in the ...
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1977 was a fabulous year – not only did it bring yours truly into this world, but it was also the birth year of Moving Comfort – a...
For those of you who can’t read my blog without your glasses or contacts, I’m sure you’re familiar with all the great places online...
I realized it’s been awhile since I posted a reno update! We moved into our house (built in 2001) in March. We were excited to move into a...
These past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to check out a variety of products from underWAY. Have you heard of it? I’ve heard some...
I received the new Constructive Playthings toy catalog a few days ago, and had full intentions of writing a post shortly there after, but the catalog...