The program I use to choose winners randomly is a plug-in on Word Press called “And The Winner Is”
Winners will always be emailed by me...
Browse the Archives
The Canada Day long weekend is here, and it seems like almost everyone I know is either gone camping or at least visiting a beach at some point this...
Asian Noodle Salad
1 bag coleslaw
1 pkg ramen noodles + seasoning (I used chicken)
1 cup sliced mushrooms
3 green onions, sliced
2 cups snow peas...
Elijah is just getting to the age where backyard games are becoming more fun. Until now, he was happy to play in the sandbox with his sister or...
When I saw the Infantino Firefly Soother (no, not that kind of soother) crib attachment toy, and found out I would be reviewing one, I was eager to...
Elijah is now officially on summer vacation, having just completed first grade. On Tuesday we attended his school awards day, and my heart...