This is my much loved copy of Charlotte’s Web from grade 3! That was, oh…around 1985 or so (thanks to my mom for saving it in a box for...
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Some of the latest releases from Disney are pretty amazing, but I truly do love the classics – probably because they remind me of my own...
You will not find a teddy bear or duckie baby blanket anywhere in my house. I banished the cutesy stuff even before I had my first baby in 2004...
Earlier this summer, Elijah (7) learned how to play checkers courtesy of his older cousin. For the most part, we avoid board games with Elijah...
Does typing out thoughts or making lists on the computer seem logical? Do you retain and remember conversations in a meeting or class if they are...
My friend’s adorable daughter just turned 1 this week and high on mom’s list was a pair of Squeaky shoes for the just-about-to-walk...