Oh how I love AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com! Like Damn You Auto Correct or Text Message Fail, this site takes the innocent things that happen in our...
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Jana Volfova – Graphic Designer/Owner of Calgary based Your Invites discovered she enjoyed creating birth announcements and stationery cards...
A unique Ford Explorer that rolled off the line at the Chicago AssemblyPlant will feature the model’s trademark eye-catching craftsmanship with one...
For those that didn’t catch the McDonald’s All-Access Moms segment on CityLine last Wednesday (Oct 26th), I now have a link to the video...
Oh do I ever have a mover and a shaker in my 7 month old daughter! Scooting on the floor at 4.5 months, crawling by 5.5 months, this girl is on the...
Mariah Carey is up there among the marketing mavens of our generation. The girl knows how to market her brand and that brand now includes...