Author - Tenille

My Fabulous Life

Dragon’s Den?

Occasionally, when afternoon tv becomes too annoying (or, I admit it, Dr.Phil is on repeats) I check out programming I wouldn’t normally watch.  Lately...

My Fabulous Life

Super Full Moon

On Saturday, March 19th, a Super Full Moon will be upon us!  All applicable jokes aside (wow, there’s a lot we could have huh?) this seems pretty cool...

Giveaways and Reviews

Peg Perego

Parents to be, or experienced parents at that, take a look at Peg Perego when debating what car seat and stroller system to purchase!  Once I began looking...

My Fabulous Life

Recipes Anyone?

With baby #3 making her debut (hopefully) very soon, I have failed at getting prepared by making and freezing meals ahead of time for those few post-partum...

Giveaways and Reviews


BabyBjorn, known for their wonderfully comfortable baby carriers by parents everywhere, are introducing two new colors (pink and blue)  in one of their...