
My Baby: First Steps for Nintendo DS

Just released this month by SouthPeak Games for Nintendo DS and Wii, My Baby: First Steps is the follow up game to the popular My Baby Boy/Girl for DS. It essentially picks up where the first game (which is a from-birth to toddler hood look) left off. At 15 months old, your baby is ready to do so much more and that (as us mommies know) is where the real fun begins!

We were recently sent My Baby: First Steps from SouthPeak Games. My 5 year old is a big Nintendo DS fan and among his games is the popular Nintendogs. I knew that he would love another game where he could take care of something, but would a baby entice a 5 year old boy? The answer, not too surprising, is yes! Elijah liked being able to choose his baby’s gender and name and then be the sole person responsible for the baby’s care (except when his sister swipes the DS).

With help from a pediatrician, players are able to track their baby’s progress monthly and also achieve goals set out according to what your baby should be capable of doing. My son wasn’t interested in achieving set out goals at his age, but rather just enjoying the baby and teaching the baby how to stand, walk, and climb (we’re not quite there yet…this is what is to come). Other game play options include bath time and feeding time as well. The mic is used to teach baby basic words (my son sounded just the same barking “say mama!” in the way he commanded his Nintendog to “sit!”) and also to soothe the baby if need be. What’s that you say? Oh yes, this baby is high maintenance and if you neglect her she will let you know by crying (which is kind of funny to watch…a 5 year old getting annoyed at his baby for crying).

I think this is a game that will grow with my 5 year old and my toddler is already intrigued watching her brother play it, so maybe down the road in a few years she will be checking it out as well.
My Baby: First Steps for Nintendo DS or Wii is great for any young DS or Wii gamer in your household. No fighting here (unless you count trying to convince your baby to follow the toy up the stairs to teach her to climb….and getting ignored!) and just cute-baby fun. It’s like playing with dolls made ‘cool’ for both boys and girls. Ages 5 and up should be able to master the basics but younger children may need some help navigating to begin with. Older children will love keeping track of baby’s progress. Available on Amazon.com for $29.99 USD (Canadians, I spotted My Baby: First Steps in EB Games this week for $34.99 CDN)

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