Giveaways and Reviews

MyClyns (closed)

MyClyns is a product that may seem odd to some, but genius to others. MyClyns is trusted and used by hospitals and first responders (EMS, police, firemen, etc.) – whose contact with pathogens is often extreme – and is now being made available to consumers to be the perfect complement to hand sanitizers and part of a complete germ-fighting routine.

Basically, MyClyns is a spray that can be used on the face, hands, or any open wounds should contact with a pathogen occur. Used in the field, first responders, police, etc., come into contact with different pathogens all the time and are unable to simply wash their hands to limit contact. Gloves work but not on your face, not to stop you from breathing in germs if the person you’re trying to help is very ill. I gave this product to my husband to hold onto at work, should that situation ever occur.

Now, the product is being marketed to parents and families as a first line of defence should you come into a situation where a pathogen is present and you can’t simply get up and wash your hands (or face?!) With H1N1 being so prevalent in the news, for $9.99 suggested retail price for this spray, families can have one extra piece of armour in the battle against this flu.

Would you spray this in your child’s face (the site explains why it’s safe)? A little extreme, you think? What about on an airplane when the person in the seat behind you is obviously sick – coughing and sneezing? What about while waiting with your children in a crowded emergency room or doctor’s office? I don’t know, as odd as the idea may seem when presented with a real-life situation myself, I may be ticked that I gave mine to my husband (perhaps we will take it with us to our next pediatrician appt this week since it’s in a hospital, ick!)

Each vial has approximately 60 mists and can be thrown out when it’s empty.

I have 1 MyClyns to give away to 1 reader – to enter just tell me what other steps you are taking to stay flu-free this season.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This give
away will end on November 8th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses

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