Fabulous Frugal Finds

Push Presents?

I love reading pregnancy forums – most of the moms on them are first time moms (the rest of us with more than one are too exhausted to contribute much to the conversations but it’s fun to read).

One topic that’s come up recently is the idea of push presents – you know, gifts that your significant other gets you as a reward of sorts for the grueling sacrifice of pushing that (not so) little bundle of joy into the world (or, alternatively, having your body sliced open to bring him out!)

When I had my son, being a new mom and reading about push presents, I made it clear to my husband that I had better get one or else, and he dutifully responded by getting me a chain and pendant.  Do I know where it is now…er…maybe?  I didn’t even mention the idea with baby #2.  By then I had other things to keep me occupied – like the memory of childbirth and how exactly I was going to survive this a second time around.

Wandering around the net after reading about push presents, I stumbled to a favorite – ShopNBC and checked out their gold jewelry – somewhat wistfully.  I did manage to find some beautiful pieces, and might just leave the page open on my husband’s laptop…should he ever get the idea that a push present might not be such a bad thing for his wife doing this the third time around.  Just sayin’.


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  • I remember hearing about “push presents” and found the idea offensive. However, I did walk away with some ridiculously huge diamond earrings a few months after I had my daughter. However, I was due for some new jewelry and I do wear them every single day. They were more of a push/birthday/anniversary/Christmas present.

  • That idea sounds hilarious! I think it would be a “sweet” joke. I wouldn’t mind receiving a cute little necklace or bracelet after my little girl comes out!

  • I got a “push” present every time I had a baby…I thought of it more like a “thanks, for all you have done to bring our child(ren) into the world…” (and I don’t mind the diamond ring and the beautiful birthstones stacker rings that are apart of my everyday wardrobe :)!)