
Dear Mother Nature…

I’m not sure what we, on the Canadian prairies, did to tick you off so royally in 2009. Our Spring was oh so cold and well, summer didn’t really arrive until September when all the kids were already back in school. Summer 2009 in Saskatchewan was the coldest summer in over 70 years. Temperatures hovered around 17 – 23 degrees (62-73 F) through most of the summer months. Though in September we broke more records by having the hottest September in years, it was too little too late.

I know you tried, and your attempts at an apology were nice and all, but you were oh so cold to us all summer. How can we ignore that and be friends again? We tried, we all talked about hopefully having a mild winter and being Canadians we’re eternal optimists and were even looking forward to next summer thinking, surely it can’t be any worse than this one. And so, we were willing to maybe be your friend again. To forgive your bad behavior and try and move forward.

Until today. Now you’ve really done it, Mother Nature. It’s Thanksgiving weekend coming up here in Canada and my family is on the road driving 7.5 hours to a wedding. You, Mother Nature, suck.

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