
Contest Call!

US readers, this contest is for you! 1-800-DENTIST is giving away $30,000 worth of free dental care to one lucky winner. How amazing to have the opportunity to show the world your beautiful smile with the help of 1-800-DENTIST.

The entry process is simple: First you must upload a video explaining why you don’t like your smile/teeth and what it is you’d like to fix if you had the services of a cosmetic dentist. Remember, this is your opportunity to win so you need to explain yourself well (rehearse a few times even, it helps!) The deadline to upload videos is November 10, 2009.

Then, after November 10th make sure you get your friends and family to vote (one vote per day per person) until December 1st at 12 noon PST. This is where the real work comes in – send emails, tweet reminders, post on your Facebook page. It’s worth $30,000 in dental help to do it!

The winner of My Smile Bites! will be announced on December 15, 2009 noon PST. As the winner, you must be willing to have your smile makeover process captured on film, including dental visits and before and after experiences. Good luck if you decide to enter, and if you don’t but know someone who would love to win, send them a gentle email reminder about the contest!

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