
Amy Michelle

My favorite “About Us” stories when reading about product development are those that involve friends sitting over coffee (or wine!) and coming up with a brilliant idea – often sketching those ideas out on napkins like Amy and Michelle did.

Boy did their idea ever take off – the duo’s company now has 10 different collections of diaper bags, with a selection of colors available in each design. The bags not only look great but because they are designed by a team consisting of a product mmarketer and working mom they also happen to be very functional.

We received the Azalea Baby Bag in chocolate with periwinkle lining to review. Immediately, I liked the size of this bag (a place for everything and everything in its place, as the saying goes). I noticed that, as the desciption highlighted, there’s a Mom Side of the bag and a Baby Side. It’s up to you if you want to be all ‘super-organized-mom’ but if keeping things neat and tidy makes you giddy, this is a great bag for you! The Baby Side is pretty clever, it features a zip down changing station complete with a spot for wipes, diapers, and a change pad too of course (no need to reach into your bag blindly with one hand while changing baby with another, everything is easily visible this way). This bag converts to a backpack as well but I don’t wear mine that way.

I like that all the bags from Amy Michelle don’t scream “MOMMY COMING!!!” when you’re carrying them (leave that to the whining, crying toddler). The bags allow you to still have some style, while being functional and enabling you to smuggle diapers and wipes inside what looks like a regular bag. All bags can be purchased directly from the Amy Michelle site!

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