Giveaways and Reviews

WaterPik Eco-Flow (closed)

Try telling a mom that she needs to cut down her shower time, and you’re likely to be met with a death stare, eye rolling, or a few choice words. In our household, my husband knows that my shower time is MY time. The door is looked and pity the child who thinks that knocking or yelling for moooooooom is going to get any sympathy. Still, I know that a long luxurious shower, no matter how relaxing, is not the best thing for our water bill or the environment. Is there a way to compromise? I think so!

The Eco-Flow showerhead from WaterPik is the latest innovation from this well known company. The quality from WaterPik is there, met with the money saving technology this new product has to offer. What makes it so different?

Well first, this low flow showerhead can save you one gallon of water a minute and there’s 5 spray settings which is always a bonus. The really neat (yeah I just said neat) thing about this shower head is the fingertip pause control that you can use when shampooing/conditioning, shaving, or applying body wash, etc. When using sugar scrubs or shaving, I hate when I’m trying to get a good lather and it keeps being washed off (you know you do it too, all hunched over trying to block the spray!) so the pause on the Eco-Flow showerhead not only saves water, but some frustration too.

Of course, money in hand is awesome too, and the site states that using this shower head can save the average family more than $90 annually on their water bill (based on average shower lasts 10 minutes, average number of showers per day, per household is four. Source: U.S. Department of Energy. January 2007).

WaterPik has generously offered 5 Eco-Flow ECO-563 Chrome Showerheads to my readers! Entering is easy – just go to the WaterPik site and leave me a comment here telling me about something you saw or something you learned.

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This give
away will end on September 30th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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