
Psst…I don’t know if you noticed but…

Feisty Frugal and Fabulous now has 1000 followers!!! This has been a goal I’ve been working towards for the longest time and it feels awesome to hit that number! Thank you to all the readers who stop by and read by blog – whether you’re a long time reader or maybe you were led here by one of my giveaways and pop in once in awhile to see what’s new.

This blog has become my ‘other’ job (being a stay at home mommy is my double full time job) and I love it. I like that I can make my own hours, work ahead and take a few days off, try some awesome products for my family, and meet some wonderful company owners and PR reps. I like being able to help contribute to our household, too. That’s been a nice change since I’ve been a stay at home for 5 years now.

There’s been some discussion lately about blogger burn-out and the need to take a step back and evaluate why you blog and who you blog for. I don’t call myself a ‘mommy blogger’ as much as a ‘review blogger’. I don’t feel the need to go back to my grassroots of blogging because this blog has primarily been about discounts, deals, and finding great products right from the start. I share a little bit about our family in my posts, but it isn’t the primary focus of Feisty Frugal & Fabulous.

Next week there is a PR Blackout being held by bloggers that would like to take a step back and blog about their own thoughts, rather than their thoughts on a product. They are going to step away from the inbox and have a well deserved vacay. I think that is a fabulous idea for those who need it, and there’s solidarity in numbers. It would be hard not to reply to that enticing email from a PR rep when you know all your blogging friends are. It’s nice to see women rallying around each other and supporting each other in an effort to reduce some stress. I applaud those who are realizing they deserve and need a break!

I am not participating in the PR Blackout, simply because I don’t feel the need at this point. Are there days I get stressed? For sure. Are there days my mind is so full of daily concerns that I can’t string together a sentence for a review. You bet! All in all, I’ve had a positive experience with blogging and will continue to bring you great products, giveaways, and info on my blog.

Thank you for reading my blog! 1000 followers!!

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