Giveaways and Reviews

Essential Angel (closed)

When I was a pre-teen (tween is the term now right?) I had no skin care regimen at all until my sister, in her 20’s at the time, gave me one of her skin care products to try. I recall how strong it smelled but used it diligently to keep my skin clean (er…dry it out was the result). My pre-teen skin at the time was not a match for my older sister’s products but what alternative was there? I cringe now thinking about it, now in my 30’s there’s no way I’d use those harsh products on my face so why did I subject my delicate young skin to it back then?!

Essential Angel, based in Australia, is the answer for moms (and older sisters) who want to introduce young girls to skin care products that are formulated to be gentle just for them. Using a simple three step process, the products are used as a first step for young girls to start good habits early.

The products are all organic, scented with essential oils, but the scent is not overwhelming at all. Young girls can easily incorporate the three step process (cleanse, tone, and moisturize) into their routine. The bottles are not huge, and the design is cute and something that can be left on a bedroom or bathroom shelf.

Maybe the 11 year old me made me do it, but I tried out the Essential Angel Organic Facial Cleanser, Facial Toner and Facial Moisturizer myself, for the past few weeks. My skin feels great – no breakouts and no dryness.

1 reader is going to win a set just like the one pictured here of the Essential Angel Organic Facial Cleanser, Facial Toner and Facial Moisturizer as well as a Essential Angel Headband to keep hair back while pampering your face. (ARV $60 AUS) Win it for yourself or someone special!

To enter, comment here telling me what other product interests you on the Essential Angel site and of course tell me who you would win this prize for!

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on August 8th at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to WORLDWIDE entries!

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