Giveaways and Reviews

Cute Like Me (closed)

In May, I was first introduced to Cute Like me, an online boutique featuring adorable items for infants and children. The items Nevaeh was sent to review are used by us often, especially the “pretty” she was sent, which to all of you is also known as a bracelet. She adores it because it’s not a plastic fake bracelet like others she has, but a ‘real’ one with texture and pretty colors.

The mommies at Cute Like Me have now started their own BLOG! They’re going to be checking out products and reviewing them. They’ll be highlighting products they’ve come across and love but are unable to add to their store (I think if I had an online store it would crash servers, I’d to feature far too many items so I can see their dilemma). Some items may end up at Cute Like Me for purchase too.

Right now, I mean right this very minute, there are 3 contests that have been extended until Wednesday July 22nd and have less than 50 entries in them! That’s one treat about new blogs, when they’re growing the entries on the contests are generally lower and the chances to win are greater! What can you win right now? How about See Kai Run shoes, LTDchix clothing, or Simply Pure Soy Candles. I have worked with all 3 of these companies and their products are great – so run over and enter right away….like NOW (but then come back here to finish reading this post, ok?)Now that you’ve entered the great contests over there, Cute Like Me is holding a contest through Feisty Frugal and Fabulous to help spread the word about their new giveaway blog. 5 readers are each going to win a Nylon Headband with your choice of Flower on it! Entering is simple, just check out the links to the headband and flower I just posted, and tell me your ideal combo (there’s 54 headband colors to choose from and 5 flowers…no small task!)

For additional entries:
~ Follow the CUTE LIKE ME GIVEAWAYS AND REVIEW BLOG (there’s only 27 followers as of posting this, let’s see how big we can help Cute Like Me grow!)
~ Follow me (join this site with Google Friend Connect)
~ Subscribe via email or Reader
~ Grab my button
~ Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
~ Follow me on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway
~ Become a Fan of Feisty Frugal and Fabulous on Facebook

Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on August 1st at 10:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.

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