Fabulous Frugal Finds


Ahhh summer time. Time for amusement parks, camping, the beach and everything that summer is all about. If you’re lucky enough, you may have a pool of your own or have made friends with someone who does. We’ve never had a yard with a pool – living in Saskatchewan it’s just not financially feasible to me to have one that we’d only use 3 months out of the year (sad but true, people).

I’m also a worry-wart on top of my germo-phobe status (makes me a lovely person to live with!) and if we did have a pool I’d have to make sure it was absolutely safe in every way.

Sites like pcpools.com are a one stop shop for everything you need for your pool, including safety items like safety pool covers and even life vests. The selection of safety pool covers at pcpools.com is awesome – customers can shop for solar pool covers, mesh or solid safety pool covers, and even winter pool covers (with 12 or 15 year warranty!) All of these items are there to keep your family (and your pets!) safe.

When the safety aspect is taken care of, also check out their huge assortment of floating chairs and other fun pool toys for all ages.

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