Giveaways and Reviews

Do Laundry From Your Smartphone? Yes, yes really!

If you’ve shopped for new appliances lately you may have (OK for sure) noticed that with technology comes…well, overload. With so many options not only does getting a new appliance mean there’s a learning curve, it also means that once you’ve got the basics figured out, you may not even investigate all the options available because there’s just so much. It’s worth learning though, because the technology is there to make your life easier, right?

I just discovered something amazing that made me giddy when I read it. Because my smartphone is like another limb on my body, learning something new that it can do to make my life easier makes me happy!

What if, using your Smartphone, you could customize your washer and dryer to have only the cycles you want? LG NFC Tag on technology takes your laundry at home to the next level. It eliminates the need for dry cleaning, by providing you with various and very specific wash and dry cycle settings right from your phone and in the comfort of your home! LG’s NFC Tag-On technology lets you download new cycles directly from your smartphone. Simply download the app, select your new cycle and touch, or β€œtag,” your LG appliance to download your selection. LG literally puts smarter, simpler laundry in the palm of your hand!

Fun, right? Now if I could just figure out how to get my smartphone to actually FOLD my laundry, I’d be set!


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