Giveaways and Reviews

Zuvo Water Filtration System

When we moved into our new house and (smaller) kitchen, one of my annoyances was how much room our (rented) water cooler takes up in the corner.  The space could look so much better with a lush plant by the window, but I won’t drink tap water.  It’s not that it tastes really awful, but it does taste different than the bottled water I’m used to so if I have a choice – cooler water, or bottled water it is.

The Zuvo Water Filtration System us quite interesting in that it fits in any kitchen either above the counter or below.  We opted for the under counter model to review since I have limited counter space as it is.

The Zuvo Water Filtration System is super easy to install, but how exactly does it work? Rather than try and explain it, here it is right from the Zuvo website:

Pretty cool that this small device, smaller than a 2L pop bottle, can do that much. The water tastes about the same as the water in our water cooler – you can tell it’s filtered because it doesn’t have that tap water taste. Once it’s installed, you’re not even really aware of it being there.  The Zuvo Water Filtration system does not come cheap ($299.99 – $349.99 on the Zuvo website), but neither does renting or buying a water cooler or purchasing multiple bottles of water.  The site actually has a great comparison chart to show you how much the Zuvo system actually costs in the long run compared to other systems, which I thought was great!

1 reader is going to win an Above The Counter Zuvo Water Filtration System (ARV $299.99)!  To enter, simply tell me why you would like to win!

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This giveaway will end on August 26th at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.