Giveaways and Reviews

Loves Me Some Cameron Diaz

sex tape release date July 18

If you’ve seen the previews for Sex Tape (and who hasn’t?) you know that Cameron Diaz, with her bang-on comedic timing and Jason Segal who seems to state things in *just* the right way to make you roll your eyes and giggle, have a winner on their hands.  If you’ve been under a rock (or in a bedroom…) during the media blitz, here’s the film’s synopsis (from the official Facebook page):

When Jay (Jason Segel) and Annie (Cameron Diaz) first got together, their romantic connection was intense – but ten years and two kids later, the flame of their love needs a spark. To kick things up a notch, they decide – why not? – to make a video of themselves trying out every position in The Joy of Sex in one marathon three-hour session. It seems like a great idea – until they discover that their most private video is no longer private. With their reputations on the line, they know they’re just one click away from being laid bare to the world… but as their race to reclaim their video leads to a night they’ll never forget, they’ll find that their video will expose even more than they bargained for.

This is a fabulous movie for a girl’s night out, but I think it would make an even better date movie! I was given some tickets to the Calgary screening later this week and sent along some of my favorite couples to go (I can’t wait to hear their reviews!)

After 12 years of marriage and 3 kids, having a date night is a rare event but I really want to see this movie when it’s released this weekend so I’m going to have to line up some babysitters and call in a favor. Married or in a long term relationship? Tell me you can’t relate to this:

I love the discussion they have on scheduling sex, “Thursday?”

I think in a marriage it’s important to have intimacy in all kinds of ways. Let’s face it, with 3 kids and cosleeping for the past eleventy years it’s been a struggle to find the time, but you just do. I’m happy (ahem, thrilled) to share that our bed has been co-sleeping-foot-in-the-face free for about 6 months now with our youngest now sharing a room with her sister. Intimacy can be found in the bedroom (duh), but also in late-night Netflix binge-watching on the couch, walks together, or even a morning chat over coffee when the kids are still sleeping. The important part is connecting, the method can change as needed.

Let me know if you see the movie this summer, I’d love to chat about it later!

Disclosure: I am part of the Sony Pictures – Sex Tape Movie program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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