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Gluten Free Meals – Paleo Style

PALEO Slow Cooker BookBy Tara Richter…

WAIT! Before you discount this post because it says “Paleo” and you might want to just wave it off as another one of those “fad” food things out there, I encourage you to read even just a little bit more!

I started eating Paleo earlier this year, and while I wouldn’t say I’m 100% at it, more like 80%, I do know that has made a positive difference in my overall health and wellness. I’m not a nutritionist or a doctor, nor am I going to try to convince you of a certain eating style or regime. One thing Paleo has helped me do, if nothing else is to eat more vegetables and more wholesome foods; that is a definite plus. If you’re one of the hundreds who suffer from gluten intolerance, eating Paleo is also great news for you too!

Paleo is essentially a lifestyle and way of eating based on what our Paleolithic ancestors ate. The current movement also incorporates modern science, to expand from just the ancestral point of view as well. In a nutshell, pardon the pun, it’s about consuming whole, natural foods including meats, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and healthy fats.

While I’m not so new to Paleo eating, I am a recent convert to the world of slow-cooking, and I must say its absolutely fantastic and I can only shake my head at why I’ve waited this long to jump onboard. The arrival of the cookbook Paleo Slow Cooker: Healthy , Gluten-Free Meals The Easy Way, by Arsy Vartanian is absolutely perfect timing!

For starters, I really like the layout of the book, from its large, easy to read font, page layout, and clever color coordination of sections including appetizers, poultry, pork, lamb, beef, fish & seafood or dessert. The front section of the book does a superb job of highlighting key points about the Paleo lifestyle and tips on slow-cooking in general. The recipes consist of simple ingredients, and in reading through them it is evident they will not be lacking in flavor. There are numerous color photographs throughout the book, though to my disappointment as a visual person, not for each and every recipe.

The first recipe I tried was the Butternut Squash Soup. I wish I could bottle up and provide you a sample of the amazing aromas brewing around my house that day. I could hardly wait until suppertime to fill up my bowl. The creamy soup was fantastic with its hints of garlic, thyme and rosemary.

I love the idea of throwing a bunch of ingredients together in the morning and coming home after work to a meal all ready-to-go! This gives me more precious time in my day to spend with my son, rather than slaving over a stove. With the Paleo Slow Cooker recipes, I can also ensure that we are getting good quality, and whole foods out of our meals together too. On the menu tomorrow, is the delicious looking Prime Rib Chili. Reading through the ingredient list and looking at the picture already make my mouth water in anticipation of tomorrow’s meal!

Whether you are new to Paleo, already eating this way, gluten intolerant, or just looking for some new slow-cooker recipes then the Paleo Slow Cooker is perfect for you! You can get your copy of this cookbook for $30.00 (CAD) at a bookstore near you, including Chapters/Indigo.

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Tara blogger bio feisty frugal and fabulous


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