Giveaways and Reviews

Want to Smallenfreuden With Me?

visa smallenfreuden campaignIf you’re active on Twitter, you may have seen some buzz about Smallenfreuden last week.  Tweets were sent out using this term, and curious Tweeps were wondering what on earth Smallenfreuden was.  The secret is out, and I’m happy to be a part of the Smallenfreuden buzz!  It’s actually perfectly normal to Smallenfreuden once a day (I do it several times some days!)

What is Smallenfreuden?

An idea coined by Visa, Smallenfreuden is a fun word that essentially means the joy of small. When you Smallenfreuden you’re putting the small purchases you’d make anyway on your Visa Credit card.  Using your credit card for these everyday purchases means you can collect more rewards, consolidate and control your spending, and shop securely, without having to spend more.

I have a few friends who are Smallenfreuden rock stars without even realizing they are!  Just wait until I tell them how awesome they are at Smallenfreuden-ing!  Why do these people excel?  Simply put, they accumulate a ton of rewards points by using their Visa instead of a debit card or cash.  It’s a no-brainer really, you just have to remember to pull out your Visa instead of your debit card and then of course pay off that balance monthly.

If you can discipline yourself to do both, you too can be a Smallenfrueden rock star!

The Challenge

I’ve been presented with a challenge that I just couldn’t pass up!  This month, I’m using my Visa card on my next 100 purchases!  I know 100 purchases sounds like a lot, but we made 3 today (coffee this morning, a quick lunch pick up, and a few groceries after school) so that 100 will go by fast!  If I can discipline myself to use my Visa card for all my small (and of course big!) purchases and not pull out my debit card, my rewards will accumulate faster.

It’s not just about the rewards though.  If you have a Visa card without rewards attached (I had a low rate Visa for years when I carried a large balance) Smallenfreuden can also be beneficial for you.  By using one method of payment only, you can keep better track of your spending.  I also like that using your Visa has added benefits like zero liability (you won’t be liable for unauthorized charges if your card is stolen) and Visa payWave which makes the checkout process much faster.

You Can Smallenfreuden Too – And Win!

Check out the Visa Canada Facebook page and learn more about The Visa Ultimate NHL® Experience Contest!  Just by using your Visa card between May 10, 2013 and June 30, 2013 on purchases under $100 – you’re automatically entered to win!  This contest is HUGE!!!

The prize consists of a trip for four (4) (winner and three guests) to attend two events in 2014: The 2014 NHL® Winter Classic and one game of the 2014 Stanley Cup® Final. Approximate retail value of the prize is $20,000 CAD based on a Vancouver departure, although the actual retail value will vary depending on the point of departure and destination.

Amazing right? Remember, you are entered each time you make a purchase under $100 with your Visa card!  So, Smallenfreuden your little heart out and you could be the big winner!

I’ll be detailing some of my Smallenfreuden purchases over the next few weeks and keeping track to see how long (or quickly!) it takes me to accumulate 100 purchases.  How long do you think I’ll take?  You can follow the hashtag #Smallenfreuden on Twitter to see how other people are Smallenfrudening and follow @Smallenfreuden on Twitter too!  And, once my challenge is completed I’ll share a post with my thoughts on how I did – along with a giveaway for my readers!

Disclosure: I received a Visa gift card to Smallenfrueden. 🙂


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  • I feel guilty buying coffee with my card but I also don’t like to carry a lot of cash with me. Some of the smaller coffee shops don’t take credit cards but Starbucks does and they are only across the street from my condo…very easy to score entries for this contest! I wish you well on your purchases…just in coffee, I could rack up quite a few I imagine 🙂

  • I’m a Smallenfreuden and have been for years, I need to Improve thought. I use cash for purchase under $3.00…lol

  • I read this the other day and almost, ALMOST felt bad that I don’t have a credit card. This would be fun to participate in, but, I’ve opted to never own a credit card 🙂

  • I would never do this! I pay cash and only use credit when its unavoidable. Have to be cautious not to use credit so liberally as you could get stuck w a higher balance than u have cash to pay off.

  • I have an Air Miles credit card that I use for purchases small and large! I just make sure to pay it off each month.

  • I have a friend who does this. I do it for a lot of things for the airmiles but I don’t think I will ever get enough to go anywhere. I think I should look into other creditcard reward priograms and give this a shot

  • This would be awesome, but we only use our visa for big purchases like our flights and emergencies. I guess you could call it bigenfreuden lol

  • I have a CC that I use for my Scentsy business’ I use it for EVERYTHING big or small! Great for me to track where I spend my mom and save up all my points to get gift cards for FREE shopping!

  • I would much rather pay cash for what I buy than use a credit card. We learned our lesson on how easy it is to run them up and then have a huge bill to pay later. We always say we won’t go over our budget but always did so no more credit cards for us. We like it this way much better.

  • WE put everything on our visa then use the points when we get enough for lots of free stuff. We pay off the balance so it’s all good and we’re not charged to use debit cards.

  • one major problem is that i’ve heard so much about smallenfreuden and i had NO idea it was for VISA until I saw your blog …
    that’s an issue lol

  • oh that’s tough. I usually don’t pull out the visa unless it’s a big amount…..I’ll have to try this…

  • This is a great idea.. I don’t do it very often (use my Visa) that’s for sure.. I’ll have to start!

  • I honestly forget to even use my credit card…I use my debit more than anything… but I am going to start!!

  • Cool contest. That word makes me laugh lol. I try to stay away from credit cards though.

  • My husband is German…let’s just say that “Smallenfreuden” translates to something else in Berlin. I like the idea of trying this though, but I feel like the people behind me in line are lookin’ at me funny.