Giveaways and Reviews

Banana Boat Sampling Opportunity

summer 2012I know, mamas.  Spring has sorely disappointed us and we’re all feeling a little ripped off when looking at the calendar!  I live in Saskatchewan and our summers are short to begin with (snow in May is not unheard of, though not at all welcome!)

Our cool spring just means we’re going to have to take full advantage of summer 2013!  No staying inside the house when the weather is warm, no opting for an air conditioned restaurant when a backyard picnic is an option.  And definitely no indoor pool days when the beach is calling.  We need to appreciate the summer we get to it’s absolute fullest this year.  Can I get a first-pump heck-yeah?!

To celebrate our upcoming summer, I have an awesome sampling opportunity for my readers!

I just received Banana Boat® Natural Reflect™ Kids sunscreen lotion SPF 50 (it’s new in Canada!) and the timing actually couldn’t be better! My family is heading to Orlando in less than 2 weeks to the Disney Social Media Moms conference, and it’s forecast to be hot hot hot while we’re there.

Sunscreen will be an essential and the features of this sunscreen in particular have this mom sold:

Whether you’re off for a day at the beach or an in-city adventure with the kids, the new Banana Boat® Natural Reflect™ Kids sunscreen lotion provides the clinically proven protection mom loves, but is gentle enough for the most delicate – and sometimes finicky – skin.

The Natural Reflect™ Kids sunscreen lotion provides broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection, yet is Paraben, PABA and Oxybenzone-free, so parents can feel comfortable applying it on their kids. The pediatrician-tested sunscreen, made from 100% naturally sourced sunscreen ingredients, is also water resistant allowing for a tear- and sting-free sunscreen experience. The Natural Reflect™ Kids sunscreen is currently available at grocery, drug and mass retail outlets across Canada for approximately $11.99.

Banana Boat Natural Reflect Kids SPF50So! Here’s the (ice-cream) scoop! I’m looking for twenty-five (25) Canadian readers who would love to rate and review Banana Boat Natural Reflect Kids Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50.

You’ll receive the product right to your door, and you’ll have 2-3 weeks to try it out. Then, simply email me your review! To thank you for your honest feedback, you’ll also be entered in a draw to win a $50 Visa Gift Card!

There’s only two entry options to put your name in the (sun) hat!   If you’d like to be 1 of 25 Feisty Frugal & Fabulous readers to rate and review Banana Boat Natural Reflect Kids Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50, use the Rafflecopter form below.


Please remember that while the review isn’t necessary, the purpose of the program is to try and review the product and give your feedback – so please enter only if you intend on sending me a review later. I’d love to see all 25 reviews come in!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  • Would love to try! I have 14 yr old, 13 yr old 11 use old and 2 yr old! All boys!!!! We go through so much sunscreen trying to if d me that isn’t slimey- and that doesn’t stink!!!!!

    • I would like to try it with my little one as we go outside ALOT and I find that some of the sunscreens we’ve tried are just too greasy and full of chemicals. I like the idea of trying a natural product and see how it stacks up to products we’ve already tried. Organic sunscreen is expensive! I’d like to see if this is a fair alternative.

  • I’d love to try this sunscreen as I am very sensitive to most sunscreens and it would be nice to find another option!

  • I like the fact that it is made from 100% naturally sourced sunscreen ingredients, need sunscreen protection that works for sensitive skin in this house so would love to try it and see if it works since a lot of them out there don’t

  • Would live to try this out. Son has sensitive skin and it’s hard to find good quality products.

  • I’d love to review this product. Getting kids into the habit of wearing sun screen before they are badly burnt (even once) is something I am trying really hard to instill with my family.

  • I would love to try this product. I have kids who have many skin allergies so it’s hard to find something they’re able to use! This is something that I would love to try!

  • I would love to review this cuz I always use Banana Boat sunscreen. I have since my 14 y/o was little, and would love to try this stuff on my 3 year old!!

  • We go through loads of sunblock a year… being a kiwi, exposed to so many people with skin cancer there, he is obsessive. This would be neat to try!

  • I would love to try this out! my son took after me and is very fair skin toned and burns so easily. Havent found anything in the last 2 years that helps yet!

  • I’ve never reviewed before & I’ve always wanted to review kid’s products! My whole family is very fair skinned too! 🙂

  • i have three kids (4yo twinadoes and a 7 year old) and would LOVE to give this a whirl for you!!!! and the fact that it is natural is a huge plus for me!

  • Our baby girl will be ready for sunscreen soon and mom and dad can’t wait to get out and explore outside with her !

  • I need to get some sunscreen for my daughter this summer and prefer a more natural product. I’d love to try this!

  • I’m always looking for new products for my 4 year old and 9 month olds. I love that this is made with natural ingredients!

  • just moved to a house with a pool, and when the sun comes out and we get to swim, my g-babies will need to be protected 🙂 love to try it

  • I would love to try this for my son, he has sensitive skin. This sounds like a great product because it is natural.

  • I have two children who LOVE the beach … i am always trying new products that are more natural and healthier for my family 🙂

  • I would love to be a sampler! With four little ones and a fifth on the way getting outside is crucial for everyones’ sanity!

  • I’m a mom of an extremely pale little girl with red hair and irish/scottish roots.. we don’t tan in our family unfortunately, we burn! I’m dying to try this product to see if it may make trips outside a bit less stressful for us. I hope so! 🙂 I love that it has natural ingredients so I won’t feel guilty slathering it all over my 2 year old. 🙂

  • Love Banana Boat products..I am a new and first time grandmother to a beautiful baby girl and want to give her something that I can trust! Thank you! 🙂

  • I am excited to see companies listening to consumers, I would love to try this out especially on my redhead child who’s so quick to burn

  • I would love to review on my blog Bostonmomof4 I only have done a couple of reviews. I have 4 very light skinned kids. I would love to try and review as I’m always looking for the newest things for my kids that offer what the labels promise. I love this brand but have never tried this exact one.

  • I would love to review because my little girl has sensitive skin and i have been looking for something new to try 🙂

  • I would love to try this with my two kids, because I love that it is natural and it’s Banana boat

  • I would love to give a review as I would like the opportunity to have voice my opinion and experiences with the product.

  • I would love to review this product because my daughter is fair skinned and burns easily in the sun. I would love to try this product on her 🙂 Thanks for the chance 🙂

  • I would love to try this! I have my 3 grandchildren all summer long and we spend a lot of time outside. The 9 & 6 yr old both play baseball & this would be great on those very sunny days standing in the outfield.

  • I’d like to sample it to see if it will actually blend in with my kids’ complexions. Products I’ve used in the past don’t seem suited for all varieties of skin colours, leaving a pasty residue which is awkward when you’re out and about.

  • I would love to try this out with my daughters, ages 7 & 9 and my sin age 2! Looking forward to playing in the sun with them!

  • I would love to try and review this sunscreen. I like that it is PABA and Paraben free. Two criteria I look for in a sunscreen for my toddler.
    I have tried many but still looking for a favourite. Given that it’s Banana Boat I would imagine the price point is reasonable too.

  • Would love to try this product! My children both have such sensitive skin (eczema and food sensitivities) so this would be perfect for them! Always looking for more natural products!

  • I would love to try this out. My kids have sensitive skin and usually break out with different lotions so I would be keen to see how they reacted to this. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • I would love the opportunity to review this. We just got back from a hot holiday in the sun and know how important it is to have good sunscreen.

  • This is great! I would love to try out this new sunscreen! I am still looking for the perfect sunscreen to use on my children and would love to give Banana Boat Natural Reflect a try. Banana Boat is a very reputable name and I love that they have created this option in suncreen.

  • This year my little girl will be playing outside a lot – so we need to find a good sunscreen for her.

  • I would love to try this! I love trying new products and reviewing them. We spend a lot of time outside & at the beach so we need a great sunscreen. My son’s skin is a little sensitive and he’s a water baby so we need something water resistant. Can’t wait to try it! We love Banana Boat products!

  • have three kids vacation often we go through a ton of sunscreen keeping them sun safe. ..pick me pick me…

  • I’d love to test this because my youngest son has sensitive skin and this sounds like it would be great for him. I love that it is Paraben, PABA and Oxybenzone-free! I’m hoping they get this in my local stores soon, I was just over to Walmart looking at sunscreen and didn’t see this one.

  • I would like to review because my kids love outdoor and since the weather is getting better, we spend more outdoor times. Also, we travel a lot too so a natural sunscreen is definitely something that we would love to try out.

  • Sunscreen can be expensive! its something I am very diligent about purchasing and using so I would love the opportunity!

  • Wow what an oppertunity!! Thanks so much for offering this! I would love to try it on my 4 children! Thanks so much!

  • We go through many tubes of suntan lotion every summer. I am always looking for a lotion that is effective.

  • Id like to try, I am pale skin and so is my youngest, we have always coated ourselves with sunscreen, but still I have a spot on my face that has been damaged by the sun and now have to keep an eye on it for any changes. I dont want that happening to my daughter.

  • I have a ginger. Do I need to say more LOL? We are the fairest family at the beach and I feel like sunscreen is a tough product to find the ‘right one’. They can be too thick to spread or too greasy. I have found an adult one that I like but nothing great for the kids.

  • We do have odd skin sensitivities here. Not something I think about in the winter, but when it comes to sunscreen in the spring and summer – can’t be without. Trying new products can be hit and miss and I would be interested to try and review this because it is natural.

  • i would love to review this product because my son is incredibly fair skinned with white blonde hair and in the summer time he burns incredibly easy and often and i am constantly trying to keep him safe from the sun with good sunscreens

  • we have a pool in our backyard so we go through sunscreen like crazy in the summer. With my 2 kids and my 8 nieces and nephews- we have have lots of skin to protect ! This would be awesome

  • I would love to review this product. We spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer camping and at the beach. I’m always on the lookout for new healthier sunscreen options (they are hard to find and often expensive). I will definitely submit a review if selected.

  • I love trying new products and giving reviews! Plus my step daughter is quite sun sensitive. Thanks for the chance!

  • I have two busy boys and we love to be outside as much as possible in the summer. Protection from the sun is super important to us.

  • I would like to review because my kids spend tons of time outside in the sun. They wear sunscreen but my youngest has sensitive skin and sometimes gets irritated by it.

  • I would love for my daughter to try this product! We use a lot of sunscreen here in the “Sunny” Okanagan!

  • My twin girls like playing outdoor and swimming, and they have sensitve skin. This will be a great product to try out!

  • I would love to review this sunscreen, to see how well it works for very fair skin and red hair. I like to make sure that we as a family are well protected from the sun. Finding the right product is important to us in keeping our skin healthy.

  • I have one bad burner in my family. We do all we can to stop her from burning. We are going to Georgia soon and I got Burnt BAD last year and am not a burner, so I would love to try it!

  • I love to share my opinion on new products and I would alos love to try a new Natural sunscreen that is readily available and doesn’t break my bank account 🙂

  • I love trying new sunscreens–I’ve yet to find the perfect one. I’d love to try this one to see if it’s right for me! If not, I can send it with my partner when he goes on his 6 week dig in Crete, he’s going to need all the sunscreen he can get!

  • while we all burn from too much sun our family is split. 2 that take to the sun more naturally and 2 that are fair and burn easily. either way having a natural product that is also tear free would be great as we all love to play outdoors and i know that sunshine is coming any day now

  • I would love to try this, being hopeful that we will eventually get some warm weather 🙂 with two little ones and going for walks often It would be a great opportunity for us to try and review it!

  • I love trying out different sunscreens and with summer (hopefully) coming I go through a lot of sunscreen as I am outside working on acreage every day

  • I have 3 little very fair boys and would love to try this. I do normally use banana boat so its a brand I trust

  • My little boy has red hair and extremely fair skin (just like mum!). It’s really important that we have a good, reliable sunscreen for him. I’d love to give this one a shot and see how it stands up!

  • I would love for my granddaughter to try this, as she has psoriasis & we are always looking for sunscreen that won’t bother her! This would be a great opportunity for her!

  • I would love to try this on my two boys – if the sun ever shines! It would be great to contribute to the review to give constructive feedback 🙂

  • My family has very sensitive skin and it’s hard to find a good natural sunscreen that doesn’t bug their skin and works well too!

  • I’d like to review this because we have a full summer ahead, and I will be covering my daughter with sunscreen almost everyday!

  • Because it’s important to me that my daughters’ skin is protected. I haven’t used Banana Boat since I was a teenager and I’d love to check out this new formula.

  • I’d love to review and try. We need to have sunscreen for daycare (x2 per day) and we travel a bit so would get good use out of it. Plus I love Banana Boat porducts!

  • I’d love to try this out. I’m always looking for a great sunscreen for my son that works for us and this is one brand I have not tried yet.

  • Sunscreen is important at any time that you are out in the elements. When we go hiking I am amazed at how many people forget this necessity. I would share the product and note the results.

  • I have 5 children and would love to try this product and give my opinion. Thanks so much for the chance

  • Would love to be included in review panel. I love trying new things and lettiing others know what i think..

  • Little guys 2 yrs old. Fair skin and blond. Would love to have an opportunity to try this sunscreen.

  • I have two little girls who love to play outside and I am always looking for a sunscreen that works great and is easy to use on them so I would love to try out this new one. Perfect timing before the first long weekend of summer hits too as we are on a roadtrip to start the season off!

  • Let me first just say that we have a rather large yard and swimming pool area and are grandparents to four young grandkids who are at our home several times a week to enjoy the pool. I’d like to review this sunscreen because we are all very fair skinned, thus go through sunscreen by the bucket full! I’m always on the lookout for a high spf sunscreen that is easy to apply & not greasy feeling.
    We could really give it a test run!

  • I have never tried Banana Boat -I’m more a Coppertone or Hawaiian Tropic kind of girl – so I would love the opportunity to try out a new brand!