Fabulous Frugal Finds

Cold Sore Prevention and Treatment Tips for Your Kids

(Great info shared here in this guest post today, thanks Carrie!)

One day, you notice your kid acting cranky (crankier than usual, in some cases) and then, the next thing you know, an ugly dot infamously known as a cold sore shows up on their lip. Cold sores can be difficult, but you can still have a strategy for them.

The appearance of a cold sore is an indication of not only the presence of a virus infection, but also that there may be an imbalance in your child’s body. This usually has to do with diet and the immune system, which need to be monitored in order to have a healthy and efficient balance.

The following list contains tips to help you along the way.

Cold Sore Prevention Tips to Teach Your Child

1. Handling the Area

The simple answer to this is: don’t. Don’t touch, don’t prod, don’t squeeze. They’re two issues with touching the infected area. First, it makes the condition of the sore worse. Second, the virus can become more easily spread. Keep your kid’s hands away from their lips, especially if you see signs of a cold sore.

2. No Kisses, No Worries

Any direct contact between the sore and someone else’s skin or lips is more likely to transfer the virus through the smallest cut or opening in the skin. Teach your kids about showing their affection in other ways while a cold sore is present.

3. Put Meat On Their Plate

Foods such as poultry, red meats, wild game and fish should be included in every meal in large helpings. These contain an amino acid known as lysine, which has been known to inhibit the herpes virus from progressing.

4. Change Out Their Toothbrush

The first thing that needs to change when you notice cold sore symptoms is the toothbrush your child uses. After a while bacteria builds up on the bristles, and to a child with the cold sore virus this can mean worse outbreaks.

5. Lower the Sugar Intake

Sugar is causing many issues in health these days, so it’s no surprise that it can have a negative impact on a child with a cold sore. Try to find low-sugar foods for your child to eat and teach them about sugar amounts in other foods so that they will be prepared to make healthier choices on their own.

What Should Your Child Do When a Cold Sore Appears?

They might still be too young to do it themselves, but have a cold sore kit ready with q-tips and topical liquids such as rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide to use. Have it somewhere in the bathroom where your child can easily find it. You can label a drawer or have a designated shelf for it, so that when they’re older your child will be able to go to the kit any time they need it and know what to do. Teach them the proper steps and they’ll be able to successfully manage any cold sores that may appear.

Using these tips, you will be able to make your child’s life a little more comfortable and happy.

Author Bio

Carrie Shannon is the publisher of YourColdSoreRemedies.com, a website devoted to providing information on effective and safe cold sore remedies. She currently lives with her very supportive and loving husband, Dave, and their two adorable Yorkies, Oscar and Maggie, in Hermosa Beach, California.


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  • I had so many growing up. Every 3 months I think. Now I hardly get any; which is a good thing. Thanks for the tips 🙂

  • Being overtired is huge for me! H-Balm has made a big difference as well as other herbal based remedies, as it seems our bodies don’t get so used to the “meds” and start getting resistant to them.