Giveaways and Reviews

Go Couture Yourself!

Juicy girls don’t do what they’re told.  They break the rules with style. That description on the Juice Couture site, of their new perfume Couture Couture, caught my attention.  Learning that Couture Couture took home the Consumer’s Choice Award for Women’s Fragrance at the 2010 Canadian Fragrance Awards made me even more curious.  I also wanted to know what other awards are handed out that I had no idea even existed.  Who knew?

I don’t wear perfume much at all anymore.  In fact, when I was unpacking a box about a month ago I threw several bottles in the garbage.  Since I recall wearing most of them before I even had kids, I know they’ve been around much too long.  Ur…the perfume, that is.

When I received Couture Couture by Juicy Couture, I felt like a girl again admiring the pretty bottle and feeling spoiled having something so pretty just for myself.  It’s not often I get that feeling anymore.

After admiring the packaging (which has “Go Couture Yourself” stamped on it too) and the beautiful bottle, I sprayed some Couture Couture in the air and walked through it (it’s my weird way of wearing perfume, people laugh at me for it).  I liked the scent and didn’t find it overpowering at all, which I worried about.  My fragrance usually comes in the form of a lotion which is lighter than a perfume of course.

I can’t describe the perfume like a beauty-product writer would.  I don’t know which notes accompany which.  I can share, however, that I know why this perfume was chosen as a winner and why it’s so popular.  Obviously the Juicy Couture brand is a part of it – the brand has a fan base but before trying this product, I did not own any JC items.  Still, even with a brand to back you, if the product isn’t great it’s not going to win any awards.

Couture Couture reminds me of carefree days.  It’s light and floral with hints of sandalwood.  It’s not at all overpowering and something I can wear all day while hanging out with the kids or running errands.  While most days I’m more frantic than fabulous, it’s nice to smell pretty and allow myself that little girly indulgence.1 of my Canadian readers is going to win a bottle of Couture Couture by Juicy Couture!  To enter, leave me a comment here telling me what other girly indulgence you love (guys, feel free to share your spouse’s indulgence, equal opportunity here!)

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Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on June 21st at 9PM CT . I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian  addresses only.