Giveaways and Reviews

Feisty Mama

I have found a kindred spirit. Debra Dickson embraces the title Feisty like I do – it is a singular word that sums up a personality like ours quite well! Over the years, and through living in different states and adapting her recipe to regional tastes, Debra has developed and is now marketing Feisty Mama Salsa.

I wish I could make my own but I don’t have the talent, time, or patience to do it. I love home made salsa though and always seek it out at farmer’s markets (which, here on the prairies, we only have in the summer months). Feisty Mama Salsa is different than salsas that you may find on store shelves and this difference makes it very appealing to several markets.

First, you won’t find sugar in the salsa – yes, co
mpanies add sugar to their salsa! People with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and anyone watching their sugar intake will appreciate this.

Second, Feisty Mama Salsa doesn’t have any vinegar/cider/yeast products (again, something you may find in many bottled salsas on the shelves).

But how does it taste?! Feisty Mama sent me her Sooooo Hot (hot) and Really Sassy (medium) salsa to try, along with some of the Feisty Mama clothing she sells as well. I had company stop by our new house the day after I received the package, so it was perfect timing. We had a discussion about chunky vs. smooth salsa (and we weren’t even drinking, lol) since Feisty Mama Salsa is pretty smooth.

We all liked the taste and I loved that it was like home made salsa without any weird ingredients added in the mass-production processing of other brands.

I also love that I happen to rock the Feisty Sooooo Hot Mama shirt I was sent too. 😉

It’s easy to shop online at Feisty Mama, with $5 shipping on all orders within the US over $10, sweet!! Ur…I mean spicy!!!!

Feisty Mama has a great prize pack ready to ship to one of my readers! The prize pack consists of: 4 pack of hot or medium salsa (winner’s choice), a set of cocktail napkins, plates, party invites (ole!), thank you cards and a Feisty Mama t-shirt dress (Really Sassy or Sooooo Hot, winner’s choice). Fun! To enter, leave me a comment here telling me why you’d like to win, por favor!

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@FeistyFrugal on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day) Win a Feisty Mama Salsa prize pack @FeistyFrugal (Ends May 4th)
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Become a Fan of Feisty Mama on Facebook

Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on May 4th at 9PM CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.



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