Giveaways and Reviews

Why Yes My House Smells Like Grapes, Why Do You Ask?

There’s something a little unsettling about moving into a new house where someone else lived for years before you. There’s pieces of that other family left behind – whether it be the literal things you find or the scents left behind in the drapery, walls, or carpet. In our last house, the older lady who lived there seriously must have used perfume to clean because my kitchen cabinets emitted a slightly floral scent for years afterward, I’m not kidding! When I was cleaning the cupboards before we moved I could still smell a slight hint of it. It could have been worse I suppose.

This house didn’t have any overwhelming smells, thankfully, but I still wanted to make it mine. With boxes being unpacked daily and the kids under foot, lighting a candle wasn’t the safest plan just yet. Fortunately, Scentsy Consultant Tricia Reeder sent me a great Scentsy package right before I moved so I would be ready. I pulled out my new Plum Scentsy Warmer (I love the color!) and selection of 4 Scentsy Bars and debated which one to start with. I went for my favorite – Grape!

I use 2 pieces of a Scentsy Bar which is plenty to scent the entire upper level of my house. I love that I can just turn the warmer light on and walk away (of course keeping the warmer and the cord up on the counter). You can then either turn off the warmer when you’ve achieved the scent level you’d like, and let the soy wax harden to be used again, or pour the liquid back into
the plastic holder to use another time. I find that I can use the same 2 pieces for a week or more before I notice it losing scent. So, with 6 pieces in a bar I’d estimate it lasting at least 3 weeks if used daily. Of course everyone is different and some may like the lighter scent for awhile longer than me.

After trying Grape (my favorite, it’s so yummy!), Bubblegum (a discontinued scent that I hope comes back), Orange Creamsice (my husband’s favorite) and Skinny Dippin’ (rawr!) I’m now eager to order even more Scentsy Bars because I know the scent throw is fantastic, I know they’re cleaner for the air, and I know they’re safer than candles.

I am currently writing down my favorites to place another order with Tricia soon (she’s based in US but can sell to US and Canadian customers, no worries!) At the top of my list? The Scent of the Month for April – Red Candy Apple! The Scent of the Month is comprised of scents not found in the current catalog which will keep me nosy, I mean interested, to see what’s next.I have a great Scentsy prize pack to offer one of my readers – one of my readers is going to win their choice of any Scentsy Warmer plus 3 Scentsy Bars! To enter, simply take some time browsing the Scentsy site and leave me a comment telling me what you would pick (warmer + 3 scents) if you are chosen!

For additional entries:
~ Sign up for Tricia’s Scentsy Newsletter on her site
~ Follow me (join this site with Google Friend Connect)
~ Subscribe via email or Reader
~ Grab my regular button
~ Grab my Reno Event Button
~ Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link
~ Follow @FeistyFrugal on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day)
Win a your choice of any Scentsy Warmer and Three Scentsy Bars @FeistyFrugal (Open to CAN/US)
~ Become a Fan of Feisty Frugal and Fabulous on Facebook (please leave your first name and last initial so I can find you as a fan)

Please ensure your profile is public or leave me your email address in your comment. This giveaway will end on April 24th at 9:00pm CT. I will use to choose the winners, email the winners, and post the win here. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US addresses.


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