Giveaways and Reviews

EA Sports Active More Workouts

As February comes to an end and we look towards March (coming in like a lion for some of us?) where are you at with your New Years resolutions? I made a resolution to be more organized, and thankfully a move to a new city is making this possible because it forces me to get rid of things I don’t want to move. I didn’t make any fitness goals this year because, frankly, I suck at keeping them.I do, however, like EA Sports Active for my Wii and now that EA Sports Active More Workouts has been released, it gives me more opportunities to play fun games, getting in a workout, while pretending I don’t notice the exhaustion (and pulled muscles the next day). Yes, I said pulled muscles. Unlike the girl in the photo above, I seriously can’t touch my toes because I am not active. I don’t exercise like I should. So, if I can trick myself into having some fun playing some games on EA Sports Active More Workouts, it’s a win-win.More Workouts really is more – 35 all new exercises and fitness activities taking place in a beautiful beach resort. I suppose it’s better than looking at a gym wall, at least this way I can pretend I’m sweating because I’m on the beach and not because I’m exceptionally un-fit! I asked my husband to give me his take on EA Sports Active More Workouts since he is the one who actually does exercises with some sort of regularity and he liked the abdominal exercises the best. My kids liked playing along side both of us, even if they weren’t wearing the actual nunchuck strapped to their legs to measure their activity.

In all, EA Sports Active More Workouts is an awesome compliment to the original SA Sports Active package. There’s no opportunity for boredom here with all the different activities between the two. Who am I kidding, it’s like a new workout to me every time because I don’t do it as often as I should. Still, if it’s there, I’m more likely to use it than a gym membership. There’s no gym in my household but EA Sports Active More Workouts is. I don’t think a hard-core athlete will prefer this over a gym membership but for mommy non-athletes like me, I think it’s great.

1 reader is going to win EA Sports Active More Workouts! To enter, visit EA Sports Active More Workouts and tell me why you would like to win.

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