Giveaways and Reviews

Big View Bug Jars (!!)

“Mom, is that Fred?” That’s what Nevaeh casually asks me now when she sees an ant or other bug.  “Hmmm,” I say, “I think so, but it could be his cousin George.”

A funny conversation, indeed, but it helps calm my 3 year old daughter’s fear of bugs which is the ultimate goal.  I’m pretty proud of myself for my easygoing nature around bugs because, quite honestly, I hate them all.  I don’t want my daughter to have that girly-girl fear of bugs.  I mean, they’re icky and all, but having her screech and run to the opposite end of the yard is kind of ridiculous (besides, if anyone screeches, it’s going to be me and if I can’t no one can.)

Big View Bug Jars from Learning Resources make bug hunting fun – and in Nevaeh’s case a little less creepy because the bugs get safely tucked away into the jars by her big brother for observation later.  The 3×5 magnifying glass in the lid help kids take a super-close look of their buggy friend and the air vents ensure the buggy friend sticks around for awhile (heh.)  These are certainly a lot more cute than the margarine container with holes poked through that I used when I was a kid (I used to catch grasshoppers and then was terrified of the container once the thing was in there!)

A set of 6 Big View Bug Jars can be purchased directly from the Learning Resources website for $34.99 or you can use the Store Locator on the site to find a store near you in the US or Canada.  I did a search and found two stores in Saskatoon, SK, that sell Learning Resources products!

1 of my US readers is going to win a set of 6 Big View Bug Jars from Learning Resources!  To enter, just leave me a comment here telling me why you’d like to win.

For additional entries:
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~ Follow @FeistyFrugal and @LearningHandsOn on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day)  Enter to win a set of 6 Big View Bug Jars from @LearningHandsOn @FeistyFrugal (US only)
~ Like Feisty Frugal and Fabulous on Facebook (please leave your first name and last initial so I can find you as a fan)
~ Like Learning Resources on Facebook

This giveaway will end on July 20th at 9PM CT . Giveaway is open to US addresses only.


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