This Battleship board game is the classic game of naval combat that brings together competition, strategy, and excitement! In head-to-head battle, 2 players search for the enemy’s fleet of ships and destroys them one by one. With convenient portable battle cases and realistic looking naval crafts, the Battleship game puts players right in the middle of the action. Players command a powerful fleet that includes an aircraft carrier, a destroyer, a submarine, a patrol boat, and a battleship.

Each player announces the coordinates of each strike and sees if it hits. Position ships strategically to survive an opponent’s relentless strikes, and track hits and misses with red and white pegs on the ocean grid. No ship is safe in this game of stealth and suspense. It’s a fun indoor activity for kids ages 7 and up, and it’s easy to pack up and take on the go.
The best part is, you can find Battleship at most large box retailers or online quite easily this holiday season! The worst part, losing to an 11-year-old.

I used to love! playing Battleship. I haven’t in so long!
my son loves this game
My sister is the biggest battleship fan.
My husband & grandson are the biggest fans of Battleship in our home.
It would have to be my son.
The whole family is!
My daughter loves this game
My oldest grandson is the biggest Battleship fan.
I used to play this with my dad a lot as a kid. I think I’m probably the biggest fan in my house and probably the most competitive too.
I’m the biggest Battleship fan – just love games!
I think I am. I had this game when I was young and still love to play it
My oldest grandson loves this game.
we LOVE playing games. its a great way to get together as a family. we would all enjoy this
My brother would probably be the biggest Battleship fan!
I loved playing this with my son. Love to win for my nephew.,
My oldest nephew is the big fan.
My nephew is the biggest fan
My kids love battleship!
My daughter loves this game, she can get quite competitive playing though lol
I would love to win battleship for myself love this game.
My son!
My husband is the biggest battleship fan.
I think that would be me 🙂
My hubby would probably love it the most!
My grandson is fierce! Very competitive.
My grandson is the biggest battleship fan.
My two sons are fans of this game.
My husband loves to play Battleship! It’s the perfect game for the holidays!
The whole family is!
lol! I know the feeling of loosing to my granddaughter at crib. I would love to try to win at Battle ship. I use to play it with my children when their were growing up. I love the game, I Would say I’m the biggest fan but my granddaughter would for sure become one.
I’m not sure if it would be me or my husband, who are the biggest Battleship fan is in my house!
My husband enjoys playing this game with our kids
My oldest daughter is a huge fan of strategy games and would love Battleship!
My son is the biggest Battleship fan in the house.
My middle daughter is. She’s quite good at it too.
My son is the battleship fan in our home.
I think my Dad was the biggest Battleship fan when I was a kid. The competitive instinct is strong in my family.
My grandboys need this! They wore out their last one playing it so much!