Just yesterday, my youngest asked me about “playing house” as a kid, and which role I would choose. It occurred to me that I couldn’t recall playing house at all! I explained that, since I grew up as an “only child” with older siblings in their teens when I was born, I spent a lot of time immersed in imaginary play with my dolls and play sets. My play-horses and stables were something I spent so much time with (due in part to our family business at the time being a western wear and saddlery store).

So, when I saw this playmobil Pony Farm Birthday theme in my inbox the day after the conversation with my daughter, I decided this is probably something I should get for me, I mean the kids, to keep on hand for little visitors, a babysitting toy bag, and yes…for me.

With 81 pieces (for ages 4+), there’s lots of imaginary play and creativity waiting. From playmobil: “What could be better than a birthday party at the PLAYMOBIL pony farm? This is a great way to spend the big day together with friends and the favourite ponies. To celebrate, there are delicious cupcakes and the table next to the paddock is already festively set. The ponies curiously look over the fence to see what’s on offer. After unwrapping the presents, it’s off to the pony rides, of course. The playset contains three PLAYMOBIL figures, two ponies, a mole, two squirrels, three fence elements, a tree, three tree stumps as seats, presents and many other lovely extras for great birthday parties on the pony farm.”

What if one of the ponies needs to travel? More from playmobil on this other play set: “If a pony needs to go to the vet, it is transported with the spacious Pony Trailer! The little boy carefully accompanies his pony over the ramp into the trailer. This is not so easy, but together the two of them manage it. Once the pony is in the trailer, the ramp is folded up and the trailer is coupled to the car. Carefully the driver drives off, the pony should not be frightened. The playset contains a Car with Pony Trailer, two PLAYMOBIL figures, a pony and other extras. The roof of car and trailer can be removed.”

Look for both of these playmobil Country theme playsets (Pony Birthday Party $32.99 and Car With Pony Trailer $69.99) wherever playmobil products are sold (I find the best selection in store is at Mastermind Toys) or online at playmobil.ca!

To celebrate summer, playmobil has generously offered me both of these Country play sets to give away to one lucky winner (total prize value $102.98)! To enter to win, just fill in your name and email address in the form below and click BEGIN! Then, just leave a comment on this post telling me who you would share these play sets with if you won! Note the bonus entries available too!
I would share these with my best friends little girl. Way too cute!
I think my daughter would love to play with these. A trailer for the horses would be so much fun for her!
My daughter is obsessed with horses and my son has been asking for Playmobil horses to play with his sister. They would definitely love this!
I would share these play sets with my young nieces.
I would share with my nieces, they love Playmobil
I will share them with my 2 grands who love to play with their playmobile sets. I am hoping they will inherit my love of horses and heart for nature. They already help with the monarch butterfly nursery at home. Id have loved this set as a child!
I would share it with my nephew.
I would share this with my 3 granddaughters!!!
I would share this wonderful prize with my grandchildren they would love it.
I would share these Playmobil sets with my niece, she has 2 little boys that would enjoy them.
I would share these sets with my little granddaughter.
I would give this to the foster child we raised, she is now having her own kids
This would be so lovely for my niece!
I would gift them to my daughter.
I’d give them to my niece and she would love the horses
I would share these playsets my grandchildren. They would definitely love this!
My grandson is the perfect age to enjoy these. I would enjoy playing with him as well.
My kids would love this! So cute!
I would share this with my friends grand daughters they would love it
I would share these with my granddaughter. She love horse and we go feed the horse carrots and she ride a pony not so long ago. She really enjoy it. She would love this set.
I would share with my granddaughter
My daughter would love to play with these playsets. I would share them with her.
I would share these with my younger grandkids
I would share with my granddaughters who would love these sets.
My youngest daughter is a Playmobil nut!
I would share these playsets with my granddaughters.
I would share with my grandson
My nephews
For my two young grandsons, or even for a special needs girl with whom I work.
I would give this to my daughter, she would love it.
I would share this with two little girls I babysit. They would love it.
for my daughter
My niece would love this!
I would share this play set with my niece and nephew.
Playmobil is a staple in our house! It was my favorite as a kid too