One thing that has definitely increased in households across Canada is family time. And, while family time is great, it’s helpful to have some new ideas, new distractions, and new things to learn so that you’re not doing the same things all the time, and driving eachother even more crazy with all that wholesome family time! This spring and summer our family played a lot of cards but also got into a few board games as well to switch it up. If you’re looking for something new to add to your board game shelf or closet, check out this new twist on Hasbro’s classic Clue board game.

Sometimes you have to lie to get to the truth in the Clue Liars Edition board game in which players use Investigation cards (there are 6 Lie cards and 6 Truth cards) to help them figure out who killed Mr. Boddy in the mansion. Players pick a card and read it out loud, trying to play it cool and convince other players that they’re telling the truth …even if they’re not. If a player suspects they’re lying they can call that player out by hitting the Liar Button. Were they caught lying or were they telling the truth? Either way, an Evidence card is revealed and players move one step closer to cracking the case. When a player is ready to make an accusation, they secretly look at the cards placed inside the case file envelope to reveal Who, What, and Where. A correct accusation wins the game!

LIE YOUR WAY TO THE TRUTH: Sometimes honesty is not the best policy…at least in this edition of the Clue game. Players sharpen their skills of deception with Investigation cards
THE LIAR BUTTON: Pick an Investigation card and read the action out loud. Whether it’s a Truth card or a Lie card…try to be convincing. If another player thinks you’re lying they can hit the Liar Button
WHO, WHAT, WHERE: In this twist on the classic mystery board game, players try to solve the murder of Mr. Boddy. Discover whodunit, with what weapon, and in which room
FUN FAMILY GAME: Remember playing the classic Clue game when you were a kid? Take out the Clue Liars Edition game for family game night, play dates, and rainy day entertainment. For ages 8 and up.

The game is best for ages 8+ and 2-6 players. It comes with a demo battery, but for Christmas morning make sure you have 2x 1.5V AAA alkaline batteries on hand. Look for Clue Liar’s Edition this holiday season at ($34.62), ($24.93), ($29.99) and ($29.99).

Hasbro Clue Liar’s Edition is perfect for holiday fun (and perfect for 2020 if we’re being honest!) To enter to win your own, just fill in your name and email address in the form below and click BEGIN! Then just leave a comment on this post sharing who you’d like to gift this to if you won – good luck everyone!
I would like to gift this game to my daughter. They have game nights with friends but not sure is that has been happening lately because of covid. It will be there when things are clear to visit again.
I would gift this game to my son.
My daughter would love this. How I loved the original!
I think this would be a great family gift.
My little ones would love this
I would love to gift this to my youngest daughter.
I would gift this to my nephews if I won
My granddaughters and their parents would love this. Family night playing games are always fun.
I’d love to gift this to my 11 year old niece
My daughter would like this board game
It would be a gift for my daughter
I would love to gift to my sister and her family
I’d gift this one to my niece and nephew
i would gift this to my daughter, I think we would have a lot of fun with this games
I would gift this to one of my daughters and hope they would bring it to our house for game night!
My daughter loves to play board games with her family, so this would be for her.
I would like to gift this game to my sister.
I would love to gift this to my granddaughter….she loves to play CLUE so i am sure she would love this!
My oldest daughter would love this game, she loves her board games and this one sounds like a lot of fun!!
This would be a good gift for my son who likes to play board games.
I would gift this to my son he loves board games
I have the older version would love to update to this version.
I would give this to my husband.
I would like to gift this game to my sister
This would be so much for a family game night! I think my son would love love love it!
I would love to win this prize and then gift it to our whole family! Would make a great new family game night game!
I would love to gift this to my nephew he would love it.
oh wow! haha what a great new concept for clue! Id gift this to my whole household for Christmas for family game night.
This would be a fun game to introduce my teen to. I remember loving Clue at her age.
My daughter would absolutely love this game
My boys would like trying this out. They got regular clue last year and have enjoyed playing it.
I would keep for our games collection! Love to do games night!
I would love to win this fun game for our family game nights with our grandson.
I’d like to gift this to my parents so we can play at family game nights!
I would keep this at home to play with my nieces when they are over for a visit. They love pulling out games to play with us.
I would love to win this for my kids!
I would give this to my older grandchildren. They would enjoy playing it together.
My daughter (8) loves board games!
I would love to gift this to our girls!
I would gift this game to my son and his family.
I would gift this to my son and his girlfriend.
This would make a fantastic gift for my daughter and my son!
I would gift this to my nieces! They love board games.
I would gift this game to my daughter-in-law. She loves board games.
I would like to play this game. Clue is such a good time.
I would love for this to be a family gift to us from Santa this year – Santa always brings us something like a game or puzzle, so this would be perfect.
I would love this for my niece who is obsessed with board games
I would gift this game to my niece.
I would gift this to any one of my 3 children they love to play games.
I’d like to have this for my family
I would gift this to my boyfriend so that we can play together
I would love to gift them to my oldest granddaughter!
I would gift this to my niece!
I would give it to my children and we’d play it together.
I would love to give this to my nephew. I know he would love it.
I would gift this to my sister. She loves games
My kids would love this game!
I would use this as a family gift – we love board games and have a couple different clue games including the parody version clue lost in Vegas that came out in 2018.
It’s become our Christmas tradition that Santa brings us a game we can okay as a family. I would love to gift this game to my family from him!
If I won this, it would be a gift for my brother and sister-in-law. They love board games. (Or I might just keep it for me! Clue is my fav and I’d love to try this new twist on a classic).
I would share this gift with my step sons. They are 8 and 9 and they would love this. We love playing games with them when we have them.
I would gift this to my two boys.
It would prob be a family gift from Santa so we could all play Christmas Eve or nye
I’d like to gift it to my niece and her kids.
Would give this game to my family for a game night
Great gift to give my sister and her kids!
This would be fun for Xmas-eve! Thanks
Totally my children !!
If I won I’d gift this to my niece. She and her whole family are game fanatics!!
Ooh my son would love this!
My daughters and I would have a lot of fun playing this together.
I’d gift this game to my kids…but from our Elf, Holly! She brings the kids jammies and a game to play every Christmas Eve!
Undecided who I’d gift this to as my whole family loves games night
I would share this with my wife and kids. We love playing board games so this would be a great addition.
A great gift for our friends who enjoy game nights!
This is on my daughters list
I would love to win this for my kids! We could have family game night!
I would like to play this with my family
I’d like this for myself! A group of friends love board games, and this looks fun. Of course, we would wait to play until it’s safe to do so again. It would be interesting to set it up to be played on zoom.
My grandsons love board games and they would love this.
I’d gift this to my hubby. We love board games.
My daughter loves playing detective so she would love this!
I definitely would play this with my kids. We have the original clue and love it.
I’d like to gift this game to kids to play!
I would love to gift Clue Liars Edition board game to my sister for Christmas. We grew up playing Clue, the original board game, during the Christmas holidays, so this would be a perfect gift!
I would love to gift to my daughter, she loves having game night with her friends
I would share it my daughters
This would be perfect for family game night, so I would gift it to the whole family!
I would like to gift this to my friend’s son.