What do you do when you drive a minivan, and you’re presented with a Lexus. It’s shiny, so sleek, and certainly performs better than your trusty minivan. But, could you pull it off? Would you hop in and drive it away or cautiously walk around it for awhile and determine that’s it’s far too advanced for you, minivan mom, and it’s best to stick to what you know?
I hopped in the Lexus.
If, that Lexus were a shiny brand new Breville Precision Brewer. I moved my one-cup coffee maker to the basement. This beauty is in my kitchen now for everyone to admire (and be jealous of, that too.)
The Precision Brewer is the world’s first drip coffee maker with precise and totally adjustable temperature control that allows you to brew oh so artsy brew-house coffee at home, automatically. With 6 unique brewing modes you can enjoy the perfect, balanced coffee exactly the way you like it. Brew a variety of craft coffee at home through customizable flavor and taste settings using a variety of filters to deliver the type of brew desired.
That’s where the intimidation came in when I saw this brewer delivered to my door. Would I, the regular cuppa Joe coffee drinker like a brewer with so many options, such precise settings? Sure, I could offer my friends some pretty amazing coffee treats when they visit (espresso anyone?) but for day-to-day use, would it be useful?
Ah-ha! Introducing Gold setting which is certified by SCA – they’ve literally discovered the gold standard for coffee drinkers and made a setting with it. The “My Brew Setting” allows you to customize any of the parameters like bloom time, brew temperature and flow rate to suit the particular coffee you’re using. So, once you play with the machine a bit and figure our your favorite settings, there’s no need to re-do them every time with this helpful programmable settings.
Check out my video review:
I also, as you can see in the video, utilized another Breville product – the Smart Grinder Pro! If you already have a coffee grinder, you are ready for amazing coffee with the Breville Precision Brewer, but if you’re looking for a combination that’s guaranteed to get some ooh’s and ahh’s from your guests – this is a beautiful marriage of Breville products to have on your counter-top.
I’m still learning about all the features of the Breville Precision Brewer, and am so looking forward to a warm cup of coffee first thing in the morning or in the afternoon watching the snow fall this winter. Working from home certainly has it’s…perks!
One of our lucky readers is going to win a Breville Precision Brewer (retail price $349.99)! To enter, simply leave a comment below sharing what your perfect brew is. Strong? Mild? A specific local roaster? Maybe Espresso is your jam. Fill in your name and email address in the form below and click Begin!
My ideal coffee is hot, not bitter, creamy with deep flavour!
I absolutely love my double doubles. Every now and then, I enjoy flavored coffee.
Hot and brewed to perfection! My mother makes a great coffee!
My ideal coffee is dark roast, black with one sugar.
My ideal coffee is creamy. I used to like it sweet too, but I have recently stopped putting in any kind of sugar, honey, sweetener etc. and I am enjoying it! For a splurge though I still love a Pumpkin Spice Latte, an Eggnog Latte, or a Double Double. Once the Christmas season hits I usually put some eggnog in my morning coffee – makes me extra happy to start the day.
Mmmmmmm I can smell the coffee aroma now! Mmmmmmm
My ideal coffee hot with a big splash of chocolate almond milk! …and hopefully I’d be able to drink it before it gets cold!!! #momlife
My ideal coffee is extra hot and a little on the strong side with a touch of cream and real maple syrup
That’s easy, my ideal coffee would be brewed from this machine! haha, all kidding aside, I think this machine is amazing and loved your video review! I like a nice hot cup of coffee in the morning with cream and sugar! I also don’t mind the odd espresso or latte. I am a coffee drinker that’s for sure!
The stronger the better!!! Never strong enough in my opinion. We are in the process of buying our first house and caffeine has been our life line throughout the whole process.
1 cream, 1 sugar
I like my coffee strong (and sweet)
Have an obsession with great coffee! Strong Espresso mmmm.
My ideal coffee is super dark but smooth. I like it with a splash of milk.
I like my coffee sweet, I’m a triple triple sort of girl. Breville is always so innovative with their products. They have a knack for taking good things and making them amazing!
My ideal is a medium roast coffee, double double. This looks like a sweet coffee maker!
I like my coffee medium strong (not too robust). And then I add a tonne of bad stuff to it :0 half and half and liquid stevia (I’m obsessed with NOW Foods English Toffee stevia at the moment).
strong ,super hot with a splash of milk
I like my coffee sweet and with cream.
My ideal brew is a dark roast coffee with milk and sweetener.
I like my coffee with cream and honey.
This looks like an awesome coffee maker!!!
My ideal coffee is smooth with a hint of hazelnut, served with soy or almond milk and a bit of stevia.
I like a dark roast with a splash of flavoured cream!
I like black with a thick foam top….so with milk
I’m a purist. I love good old coffee as is. Or lattes.
Hot, fresh, dark, bold, rich, with a splash of cream and a squirt of honey
My ideal coffee is not too strong with lots of cream.
MMMMMM two cream one sweetener!!
My ideal coffee is creamy and flavourful with either notes of chocolate or hazelnut.
My ideal coffee is dark roast with French vanilla creamer.
I love my coffee hot!! With milk and sweetener!
I like a frothy medium roast, I also enjoy a capuccino from time to time
My ideal coffee would be made from freshly ground beans. I find fresh is much better tasting. Although I do love my double doubles, I also tend to crave flavoured coffee as well. Whether it be mixing in some Irish Creme or English Toffee, I love the added creaminess it gives. I also love a good Mocha as well.
I like my coffee hot with a little sugar and cream.
coffee is medium, not to strong or weak, double double , and once a week I treat myself to an esspreso
Half Hot Chocolate half coffee with some creamer
My ideal coffee is hot and creamy with a bit of sugar
My ideal coffee is strong, earthy and black.
My ideal coffee comes with steamed almond milk and two stevia packs
My ideal coffee is smooth, rich and creamy!
I love a medium roast coffee in particular from Java Moose or Downeast Coffee.
I love mine really strong with sugar and cream. The flavor doesn’t really matter as long as it doesn’t smell burnt.
I actually don’t drink coffee, but my sister loves black dark roast.
I’m usually a pretty light roast coffee but in the fall and winter I like some flavours in there too. My husband is a dark roast and espresso guy. We’re a good mix.
I would love this to make my favorite coffee, a hot cup of Kicking Horse with some cream
We love Community coffee, dark or between roast, and I enjoy it with sugar and french vanilla flavoring.
My ideal coffee is a double double!!
My ideal coffee is a little coffee, a lot of hot chocolate!
made with fresh ground coffee and sugar and coffee whither
I like a medium roast with coffee cream.
My husband and I are fairly tradition with our coffee because we simply like Columbian coffee. medium roast and that’s it, no double this or half caf that, just plain coffee.
I love a strong cup of coffee! But I am always making Espresso for my baking as well as med brew for some of my coffee cakes! What a perfect machine!
I love my coffee hot and sweetened with sugar and flavoured creamer or milk and also team it up with a cookie or – at the moment – a mini Halloween chocolate treat. I mostly drink Tasimo from home but, if on the road, my favourite is McDonalds. This Breville looks enticing

My ideal morning coffee is a dark roast with a heaping tsp of sugar and a splash of half and half. On special occasions it is any coffee with a shot of Baileys.
a rich dark roast is what I like
I like dark roast with cream.
My ideal coffee is super hot, with a bunch of milk!
I love a strong cup of Java in the morning to kick start my day
My ideal coffee starts with a good roasted bean aroma. Just a tint of sweetness and not too bitter to the taste. I enjoy coffee better when it is just between hot and warm.
I like my coffee with lots of milk.
Cappuccino is my favourite.
it was double double now since I cut back on the sugar its just a bit of cream
A cuppacino is my fave.
My ideal coffee is a fresh brewed kicking horse kick ass coffee. I love strong coffee and my perfect cup has just a bit of cream in it.
Dark rich coffee served to me every morning in bed by my amazing husband
Freshly ground dark roast and one percent milk – or two percent.
My ideal coffee is freshly brewed from roasted Arabica beans. It is so aromatic! A little milk and sugar are the perfect addition to my cuppa heaven.
I like a mild coffee and I take it black.
I like coffees that are rich and smooth and a little bit spicy. Hints of cinnamon or cloves are favourites too and sometimes i add a dash or two to my cup. I usually add equal parts cream and sugar to my coffee.
My ideal coffee is rich, double sugar, double cream.
I love a nice hot coffee with just enough cream to make it a slightly warm brown instead of back. I also like something deep and slightly sweet without any bitterness.
My ideal coffee is sweet, mocha-y, with added flavour
Hot, milky and a little bit sweet!!
and waiting for me every morning.
My ideal coffee is hot and creamy. No flavour, no sugar.
I love a dark roast with almond milk
An iced cappuccino!!!
I like a hot coffee, medium roast with a little sugar and 2% milk
Love a good cup of coffee that is not bitter. I enjoy mine with a little sweetener and a splash of half and half.
my ideal is rich, black with no strong aftertaste.
My perfect coffee is in a nice pottery mug, and yes the mug it’s drunk from is important. It’s very hot, a medium dark roast with a tbsp of coffee cream.
Agreed! It’s all about the mug
My ideal coffee is hot with a little bit of cream
My ideal coffee is rich with flavored creamer!
My ideal coffee is medium roast with 1 sugar and milk.
mine would be a medium to dark roast with just cream and hot.
My ideal coffee is strong and black!
Milk, sugar and mild.
I like a medium roast with cream!
I like mine HOT, dark roasted, strong but not bitter, with a splash of cream or milk. Yum
I enjoy a medium to strong coffee with a splash of milk and sugar.
I am not a coffee drinker but, most of my friends love it hot with a touch of Baileys!
My ideal coffee is half and half with hot chocolate.
I take my coffee black and hot.
I drink tea, but hubby likes espresso black.
I like my coffee hot and a mild roast
medium roast with vanilla soy milk and organic sugar!
I love a vietnamese coffee made with coffee cubes that isn’t TOO sweet.
My ideal coffee is one cream one sugar
My ideal coffee is flavored, really any flavor, and strong!
I’m a creamer person so I need creamer in my coffee while my hubby is a black as black coffee drinker
It’s beautiful in your kitchen! Enjoy the great coffee.
I am a latte drinker mostly and love the flavoured coffees. If regular coffee than with milk & sugar.
Thanks for the lovely chance @feistyfrugalandfabulous.com
I love milky coffee with honey!
Good cup of coffee, black with a sprinkle of cinnamon
My ideal coffee is creamy and hot with flavour
My ideal coffee is a triple triple with a shot of vanilla
I like my coffee fresh and black. It wakes me right up!
My ideal coffee is creamy. I like a good dark roast with coconut milk added.
my ideal coffee is a mild to medium roast, double double! coffee is life!
Hot, strong with a hit of warm milk.
I like a nice, smooth medium roast with 2 cream, 2 sugar! At this time of year it’s nice to have flavored coffee with the aroma of cinnamon!
I like a medium roast coffee with stevia and almond milk!
I like a light roast with almond milk!
Black coffee is my favourite.
My ideal coffee is an aromatic, freshly roasted and brewed dark roast with some cream and sugar.
I enjoy a hot, medium roast with milk and a little sugar.
I measure out my coffee for brewing, two scoops per cup, but the flavour isn’t always the same. Sometimes I put too much in the scoop, sometimes not enough. It’s hit and miss at my house.
My ideal coffee is loaded with chocolate and whipping cream
Semi-sweet creamy coffee is my ideal coffee.
WOW what a beautiful giveaway. I love my coffee with vanilla creamer and milk ! Thank you for the chance
I’d love to wake up to a fresh Americano!
My idea coffee is one I make with grounds from a popular chain with a flavoured creamer to make the flavour so smooth.
I like a nice house blend coffee with a fruit flavor – raspberry is nice, and then add one cream. I bought this blend in Edmonton for a couple years and have not been able to find it in SK!
I like my coffee fairly weak, 1/2 tsp of sugar and milk. Every now and then I’ll treat myself to cream in my coffee and I love a latte. A great coffee maker, that would looks so good on my counter top
I love a good decaf with a shot of vanilla
My ideal coffee is strong and flavorful
Medium blend with two creams is my ideal coffee.
When I drink coffee it has to be mild, sweet and with a lot if cream or milk. Thanks!
My ideal coffee is double double!
I am a French Vanilla Cappuccino fan. My hubby loves his coffee medium with cream.
I love a good espresso.
My ideal coffee is hot and strong!
A dark roast. Piping hot. Black!
My ideal coffee tastes like chocolate with no coffee taste! I don’t like coffee. My husband,on the other hand, loves coffee – hot with coffee creamer and sugar substitute (“white and sweet”).
I love Hazelnut or cinnamon.. nothing rich, just a simple taste with the coffee flavor is wonderful!!
My ideal coffee is dark roast,cream with one sugar
My ideal is a piping hot medium roast coffee with steamed milk, or cream.
My ideal coffee is 2 creams and 2 sugars (although i do like 1 cream and 1 sugar the odd times) as well as flavoured coffees and i also love lattes and cappuccino’s
My ideal coffee is a dark blend, hot (not microwave reheated like a normal day with kids) in a large, tall mug.
My ideal coffee is bold, not too sweet, rich in taste, no bitter after taste…gotta have creamer.
My ideal coffee is plain and black, but not too strong.
my perfect cup of coffee is bold with 3 skim milk . Luke warm so i can drink it down right away !
I love my coffee bold and black so I can taste it fully,
I love a fresh Canadian blend like Tim Horton’s with some cream and sugar. This looks like a beautiful machine. Love the look and like the thermos to keep nice and hot without burning the flavour!
I love a bold french roast cup of coffee.
I like a mild, smooth cup of coffee.
My ideal coffee is a dark roast with a little milk added.
I like my coffee strong and black. And I like to use freshly ground beans.
I love a strong roast, black.
My ideal coffee is double double.
My ideal coffee is one that is still hot by the time I get to drink it! Oh and it has to have a splash of Bailey’s French Vanilla creamer. Yaaaaaas!
I’m all for the dark roasts. Hot and strong!
hot, smooth, with a shot of Irish cream!
love dark roast,with cream
Hot rich and smooth!
medium roast, sweet and nutty with a splash of milk
I love two strong cups in the morning and then later in the morning a milder cup. And I like it very hot!
Cream a must, cant enjoy it the same with milk and not too sweet! 3 times a day
My ideal coffee is French Vanilla
My favorite coffee is a dark brew with a bit of cashew or coconut milk…I also love a good mocha on the weekends!
My ideal coffee is black, so the brew quality is essential!
My ideal coffee is dark roast, half a sugar and a half milk
My ideal coffee is hot and black. Love the taste of coffee.
I take my coffee with two milk, 1 sugar… but if someone makes a mistake and I end up with 2 CREAM and a sugar…. it’s awesome!! (That’s my ideal… having cream but being innocent of putting it in there!)
My ideal coffee is light and creamy.
My ideal coffee is a cup of regular coffee with cream and sweeteners.
I don’t like it to be too strong but either French Vanilla or Hazelnut Latte!
My husband is the one who loves coffee. If I won this I could be a wonderful wife who makes him perfect coffee every morning… or he could continue to do it himself but it would taste much better then from our ‘one cup brand’ that is about to die anyway now.
my ideal coffee is double double with milk
I love a strong coffee with cream and sugar- and it must be HOT!
My ideal coffee is actually Cafe Mocha…. I love a rich tasting coffee with the chocolatey creaminess of hot chocolate…. yummmmmm…..
My ideal coffee is a smooth, non bitter medium to darker roast and I prefer organic brands.
I love strong dark roast… Looking for a new coffee maker too, this one is beautiful!
My ideal coffee is dark, bold, and black.
Love my coffee black with some cinnamon!
i love americanos
I’m your basic double double person most days. However, this is mainly because I live in a super small town where there are NO coffee shops unless I count my own kitchen. The nearest “city” only has Tim Hortons, so my choices are limited. I live for Caramel Machiattos when I get to have them though! *Drool*
hot with 2 milks and 2 sugars
Well as a mom any cup of coffee I can finish before it goes cold is always appreciated. Medium roast with milk and a touch of sugar makes it ideal for me.
My ideal coffee is dark roast, black .
I like my coffee sweeten with honey and cream
strong ,super hot with a splash of almond milk and a bit of sweetener
My ideal coffee is one that’s not overly bitter. I like it with 2 creams and 1 sugar….and it’s got to be hot!
My ideal coffee is mild. Milk and sweetner
love it any way it comes. thanks
I deal coffee would be with rice milk, and a teaspoon of sugar.
I like my coffee with lots of cream and sugar.
I like it with lots of milk. Not a fan of strong coffee.
Honey and a bit of cream!
My ideal coffee is iced cold press with cream.
I love a good strong brew with sugar and cream!
fruity and smooth with a splash of cream
Love it hot, with cream
My ideal coffee, medium roast, smells like coffee, 1 cream and stevia and it has to be HOT!!!!!
must have a nice crema using freshly gound beans
My ideal coffee is ‘double cream’
Black & strong!!
My ideal coffee is strong, and extra hot. I find its never hot enough.. oh and I like lots
Love my coffee hot with a bit of flavoured creamer.
I like my coffee double double medium brew.
A perfect cup of coffee is hot with two creams and 1 sugar.
My ideal coffee is a mocha. That is a pretty machine.
Ideal cup of coffee for my husband, who would love this (I don’t drink coffee…but oh it smells and looks so comforting)
Would be hot, medium strength non-bitter.
My ideal coffee is hot and with just a little bit of sugar and some milk.. super simple! =)
Not bitter, very smooth!
Dark roast
The sleek and simple design would look great in my kitchen. Need my coffee daily.
My ideal coffee is HOT with a sip of milk!
we love kicking horse coffee and we both like it hot
Hot, fresh, cream not milk, sweet but not too sweet.
Dark Kenyan roast or a Kona roast are amazing
My ideal coffee is one that is a latte.
I usually go for a medium roast coffee with a shot of cream. Lattes are good too.
I enjoy a dark smooth roast coffee. I enjoy it simple and black.
Strong.. enough for a spoon to stand up on its own.. but not bitter.. and dark.. Mmmmm
We love a nice strong brew in our house!
My ideal coffee is the one in my hand at the moment… mama doesn’t have favourites. I’ve been crushing on this machine for a couple of months….
I love my coffee hot and double, double with a medium strength coffee
De Caff lots of whipped cream and Vanilla and coco sprinkled on top
My ideal coffee is with honey and 1% milk
My ideal coffee is a dark, smooth cup first thing in the morning before anyone wakes up.
I like black dark roast coffee
My ideal coffee is a brew that is done quickly…rich in flavour and it must be hot!
my ideal coffee is my morning cup freshly brewed , i set it at night so its ready for me when i wake up , it has a little sugar and some cream
My ideal coffee is hot, black and strong!
My ideal coffee is hot with a splash of bailey’s!!
My ideal coffee is hot and frothy!
My ideal coffee is a creamy morning blend … looking out our kitchen window in the winter, or on a beach vacay!
Freshly brewed is my ideal coffee.
I love my coffee extra hot and creamy . It is great when it is already made when I wake up in the morning too !
I’m not a coffee kinda gal. I prefer tea or chai tea lattes. Extra foam
Occasionally Tim Hortons French Vanilla, but they never taste the same when you make them at home.
Hazelnut Cream Coffee with cashew milk and sugar.
My ideal coffee would be on my front porch with friends, and a little bit of Baileys
Coffee is life! Love a medium roast with a shot of baileys
Ideal coffee is fresh and strong!
My ideal coffee is double double and HOT. As a mom of 6 I dont often have the chance to have a HOT coffee LOL
Love my coffee strong (and sweet!)
My ideal coffee is medium roast, black.
I like coffee like I like my men- tall dark and strong!
My wife prefers a medium roast in the Chemex and I’m more of an Americano kind of guy. We are very plain.
Dark roast, strong, black
My perfect coffee is a rich , smooth and sweet coffee with a dash of milk.
My ideal coffee is cappuccino or milky sweet iced coffee.
Dark roast with a hint of caramel, can’t survive the day without a good cup of coffee. This coffee maker looks divine!
Espresso Crema is my ideal cuppa!
Definitely dark roast for me!
Dark roast with some cream
THATS going to look nice in someones kitchen..congrats