Remember how, as a young child or even as a teenager, there was someone in your life who seemed to have it all figured out? Someone who you, either consciously or unconsciously tried to imitate, emulate, and take cues from? We’ve all done it. Our earliest mentors were likely a parent or an older sibling – as we grew it became a teacher, a coach, and then perhaps a boss or best friend. We all seek ways to better ourselves and surround ourselves with people who have qualities we admire.
Betty-Ann Heggie has taken this need one (huge) step further when it comes to mentorship in business for women. Think about it, how does one actually find a mentor once you’re working and building a career? Do you simply sit down with someone and tell them you want to be just like them? Awkward. Do you find someone you admire and simply clone everything they do? That will likely get annoying fast and even make your mentor a little irritated. No, mentorship has to happen one of two ways, and unfortunately for women, it doesn’t happen as easily as it does for men.
“Informal mentorship happens much more naturally with men. Perhaps, it is because male executives (who still far outnumber women) see a younger version of themselves (an extension of self) in the new hire who is then nurtured, groomed and taken along to golf or attend a sporting event with the big clients,” says Betty-Ann Heggie. With men still outnumbering women in senior executive positions, that relationship may not develop in the same way for women.
“I always recommend that women approach finding a mentor like dating,” explains Betty-Ann. You wouldn’t walk up to someone and ask them to be your boyfriend without spending time with them first to see if there was chemistry. Mentorship is the same. Offer to take a prospective mentor for coffee. Glean as much information as possible to determine if you are a good fit and could meet again.”
![A Donna/Rachel pic because I love the dynamic between the women on this show (and also Jessica Pearson's leadership!)](
Many companies do have mentoring programs now, either internally or externally which shows us how important that role can be in business today. Research shows that (by a ratio of almost three to two) women who find mentors through formal programs receive more promotions than those who attain mentors on their own. Wow!
This is a huge reason why Betty-Ann Heggie started the Womentorship Program at the Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan. Each year they match junior women protégés with more experienced Womentors for one-on- one sessions, professional development and networking events. I. Love. This.
We all, every one of us, need mentors in our lives whether it be in business or parenting or even in our relationships. Look at the grandparents who have been married for 40 years. Look at the female CEO you knew when she still lived in your hometown. Look at the mom whose kids are 5 years older than yours. There’s someone nearby you can learn from, it’s a matter of taking that step to ask for a meeting, a coffee, or looking for programs in your community. You’ll be better for it, and here’s a secret – mentors grow from these kinds of relationships too!
This month, we’re asking you to think about your life right now and where you could use a mentor. Just giving that some thought is the first step to finding one. And, by entering our giveaway, you could win $100 PayPal cash to perhaps invite your mentor out for dinner, shop for a great outfit to ask your boss for a meeting, or invest in some books at your favorite bookstore to focus on your next big challenge.
At this current moment, my mentor has to be my husband. He suffers from mental issues and has recently lost his job due to downsizing, instead of losing the battle to mental issues, he wrote a book about the struggles he has gone through in hopes that he can help other men become more open about their mental issues and that they are not alone. Not sure if it counts as a mentor but, I look forward to making it thorough the day – making it through all the challenges that arise…
I would like to find a mentor regarding fitness., perhaps a trainer sounds appropriate but I cant affird one.
My mother is a huge part and mentor in my life. She always has been. I always look to her for advice and courage, strength and love! Thanks!
I am looking to climb that next step on the ladder, there is a serious lack of mentors available to facilitate this particular step. This may be one I forge forward on my own.
I would say my mentor at the moment is my friend. I was just diagnosed with diabetes and she has been awesome supporting me in the changes I have had to make in my life. She gets me out walking and reminds me to test my sugars etc. Thank you for this giveaway.
My supervisor is my mentor.
I look at my mil as a mentor, someone I strive to be like and I look up to
I think right now I could use a mentor at gaining confidence to get back out in the work force. I have been off years due to medical issues and I find the whole process of going back to doing something overwhelming and anxiety producing.
I’d love to get a mentor to help me grow in my career!
I would definitely like to find a mentor. Currently over the last two weeks I have just found out my mom is dealing with some very scary health issues, and as we await the testings she has told me not to speak a word of it my three siblings. Also my mother in law just had an emergency gallstone surgery so my life has turned upside down. I just don’t know how to deal with all these sudden changes. Those two women are so important in my life.
I have a mentor in my co-worker. I am do proud that I have someone that I work well with, but how he is able to also push me to achieve more. He is also a great support when things just don’t right.
I do not need a business mentor, but rather a now-the-kids-do-not-need-me-so-much-and-I-need-a-life-outside-of-work-and-kids type of mentor.
I had a *great* mentor, once. But high turn over in my particular department means it’s gotten harder and harder to find a mentor on the professional front for me. I also feel like maybe I might be getting too old to have one. That is so depressing. EEK.
My mom has always been my mentor. She has helped me through so many things in my life. She has been their to help me with advise when raising my kids!
I would love to have a mentor in parenting
I would like to find a parenting mentor. As my kids get older, I would love to have someone to guide me. The advice I get from my parents and in-laws just isn’t relevant a lot of the time because of how different the world is now compared to when they were raising us.
I have a few people that I would consider to be informal mentors in my life. My mom and aunts play a large role in mentoring and encouraging me.
My mentor in a number of things is my good friend Paula.
I could use a money saving mentor 😉
I feel that I could use some help on getting organized without having to change my priorities.
My mother is my mentor, I can go to her with pretty much anything and she will listen to me and give me advice, she is the one that is helping me to overcome my anxiety as well!!
My mentor is my sister she helps me with all parts of my life.
At the moment, my sister is my mentor! She balances family and work perfectly; something I struggle with
I think that today one looks for mentors for various aspects of our lives- business, fitness, child rearing, fiances etc, so I would look to a person in a particular field who I feel is outstanding.
My mentor is the child psychologist who has been part of my son’s life for 9 years helping us manage his autism behaviors. She has taught me a lifetime of strategies, calming techniques, & emotionally how to cope as a family. She has been such a star for us!
My sister in law is such a great mentor for parenting and on marriage.
I would like to find a business mentor. My personal mentor is my hubby.
My mentor at this point is the wonderful lady who works in the office next door. However, she is retiring in about 10 months, and I will miss her wonderful conversations that provoke my thinking. I am wondering who I can turn to when she is gone.
A dear friend of mine is my mentor she has been for 30 she took on a mother role to me when at 28 my mother died of cancer and this dear lady stepped right in to guide me along the way, she is now 75 but I still look to her for advice
My husband is my mentor..after a head on collision, suffering from a brain injury the man is positive, full of life and nothing beats him down..our Superman
My boss is my mentor.
Who gives better advise than your mom? She kkeps me grounded. I also found a mentor when I volunteered for a charity. Being involved with those events gave me confidence and new connections. Now I just need a professional business mentor.
I am looking for a mentor at work. Archaeology is a tough field to be in for a woman, especially one who wants a family. I would love to have a role model that has been successful in her career while raising a family too! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
I don’t have a mentor but I could use one for parenting, specifically one who is understanding of what its like to parent a special needs child.
I like to think I’m pretty perfect – LOL! But I do aspire to be more like my friends who have it all. While unrealistic I think its healthy to talk about the pursuit of this goal or idea of achieving it!
I would love to have a mentor to encourage and inspire me as a kindergarten teacher.
Sometimes you need someone else’s input/advice/help to move forward.
my mom has always been someone who i saw as my mentor.
I would love a spiritual mentor who I could discuss where they’ve been in their journey with.
I’d like to find a mentor in parenting.
My mom is a huge mentor to me, she really helps me and inspires me to be a better person.
Right now my mentor is my mother- I go to her for everything relationship and kid oriented. I am looking for a career/life path mentor as my youngest is off to school next week and I am looking for guidance on next steps professionally.
I don’t currently have a mentor but would like to find a life coach to help on all aspects of life.
love to get a mentor to help me grow in my career
My mom is my mentor in so many ways. She is generous, a great cook, and a good friend to so many. If I follow her I know I would be successful as she has been throughout her life.
I am part of a mentoring group of fabulous women.
My mom’s always been my life mentor.
I’d love a mentor for my journey to lose weight.
I would like to find a mentor for all aspects of my life
My 91 year old mother is a huge part and mentor in my life
I have no mentor at this time
Right now my mentor is my new supervisor – love her attitude
My friend is currently mentoring me in my weight loss journey! Results are starting to show!!
My mother was my mentor.
I would love to have a mentor for work. I’m currently in a position that doesn’t satisfy me and would like to change roles.
This is so awesome. My mentor for my entire life was my precious Nana, who passed away in May. This has been the hardest time of my life but I am in a good place knowing our relationship. I am so blessed by having her for these 24 years and I will carry her in my heart forever!
There’s no one in my life currently that I’d like to build that sort of relationship with, but that doesn’t mean I won’t meet someone soon! I’d like to find a business mentor or even just someone to bounce ideas back and forth with.
My current mentor is a former boss.
My current mentor is a work colleague who always finds time to explain things to me and support me.
I would love to be able to find a parenting mentor. My mom is not the best example and I don’t have much in the way of positive older females in my family.
My mom is my mentor
My mentor is my mom!
I could use a mentor in finding motivation to do exercise regularly. A Fitness coach or something.
My Mentor are my parents. They have raised my sister and I with good murals and goals and how to be strong independent women in society. They mean the world to me and taught my sister and I everything.
Right now I could use a career mentor.
My current mentor in my career is my boss. I learn something new from her on a daily basis.
My boss has become a great mentor for me. Not only is she a great workplace mentor but also as a single mom!
my mentor is my hubby he is always there when I need him, if I have any issues with anything I go to him, he’s amazing
I met my mentor through a program through Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan. It has been a blessing having someone to talk through ideas, ups and downs etc. When they aren’t family they tend to give you a more honest view on the situation.
my mentor is a dear friend, she is therefor me in many areas of my life!
My parents are my mentors
I would like to find a mentor regarding fitness and osteoporosis. I have so many unanswered questions. I walk and do water workout on and off.
My boyfriend is my Mentor!
My aunts are my mentors!
My husband is my mentor and he is so awesome because I trust his advice.He will tell it like it is and not withhold good advice because he is afraid to hurt my feelings.That is why I trust him too.He can size up a situation and hand out encouragement tell me ow he sees the upsides and downsides to whatever it may be.
No known mentors….
Had mentors all my life- parents, family, friends, church leaders, teachers, husband, friends.. and the list could go on. Just people whose advice I value!
My mentor in having a good life is Tony Robbins. That man is amazing and his advice is top notch
My mom is and will always be my mentor. She is so strong and loving and giving!!!!
My mentor passed away a few years ago. I have a friend who is now a mentor for me in many ways.
A timely post for me. I have a new friend and she has been a great mentor. She has more world experience and inspired me to expand. She’s currently helping me plan our 25th. Wedding renewal party.
My sisters are my mentors.. I look up to them so much!
My grandmother was my mentor for my entire life. She passed so many years ago, yet I still think of what advise she would give me now. Currently, my husband is a wonderful mentor. 🙂
I would say my mentor is my mom.
Two of my uncles were my mentors.
My mom is my mentor. She teaches me so much and is just a wonderful lady.
My mother in law is my mentor!
My co-worker is my mentor at work. He consistently works to find a balance between home, work, and professional development.
My mother is an amazing person and role model. A hard women to live up to but inspires me to try!
My mom is definitely a mentor and inspiration to me!
I have a friend that has mentored me throughout our long friendship.
My dad has always been my mentor! He worked very hard while we were growing up but always made special time for us kids! He has always been very money smart and knows stocks and bonds very well. I love to listen to him talk about them!
I have a few close friends and one in particular Cindy that I look up to as a mentor. She is strong, diverse and has been through so much yet stays kind and level!
Right now, I have a person I look up to that has the same disease as me. He is 40 years old and the oldest survivor I know. He is my hope of remaining as healthy as I am for many more years.
Who couldn’t use $100 Pay Pal cash for all those back to school items
I would like to have a mentor in writing. These can be had (for a price), but I never seem to have the money.
I would like to find a mentor in my own life – a life coach per se. Someone who can help guide me to staying on track with my own life, instead of my normal taking care of everyone except me life.
A fitness and health mentor would be nice right now!
My older sister….she’s always the person I go to for guidance and support.
I have always had one friend who has been very influential. She has been a mentor in my spiritual life and continues to inspire me.
I would like to be a mentor, there have been times that I was able to be in that role, and it feel great. At the same time, right now, I could use some mentoring, I would love to start a home based biz crafting, the town where I am does not allow it in any residence, so I’ve been looking into moving to a town I can do it. If I can make the change, it would be great to have someone to share thoughts and ideas, someone who has gone through those steps and knows how to navigate, save you time & money, too.
Family members are always biggest mentors for me – my Grandma is my Mentor because we’ve always been close and she’s taught me everything I know
My youngest sister is helping me. Thank you sis
I would love to find a career mentor.
My husband is my financial and work mentor. He started a business years ago and worked two jobs until his business was enough to support financially. He also is excellent with finances!
I would love to find a mentor to help me become an entrepreneur. Another to organize everything in my life would be great too! lol
My step-mother is my mentor. She is a very strong person and shows/helps us to get through pretty much anything.
I would like a mentor for parenting tips as a I am a new parent.
my dad is my mentor, he’s the best
My mentor right now is actually a retired elementary school teacher. We are not the best of friends (he’s like a second dad to me) and I would’ve never seen this coming!! Everyone should have a mentor!
I’d like to find a mentor in my actual work speciality.
I have mentors at work, people who have been doing the job many more years than I . Always something to learn.
My mom & best friend are always there to offer tips & advice when I’m unsure of something.
My employer is a good mentor