Have you seen those cute Resolve® commercials on TV or online? You know, where the mom at home tests a Resolve® product and it looks like a home video? Well, that’s because it is! Resolve® often asks moms across the US and Canada to share their experiences with Resolve® products and share the video with their own audience. While cutting down on production budget has got to be a big perk, I think as a company Resolve® is breaking some ground here, putting their consumers in charge and allowing them to demonstrate their own experience with the product. And, it’s pretty fun being that mom on camera should they share it, right?
Recently, Resolve® asked me if I’d like to be one of those moms. I was tasked with purchasing Resolve Gold® In-Wash Stain Remover powder, and putting it to the test in my own home. If it were summer, I’d have a multitude of stains to choose from – with three kids the most common stain in the spring and summer months is grass stains which I’ve had some varying degree of success removing. The kids also get a lot of mud on their clothes, definitely food stains, and sometimes yes bloodstains from a bloody nose or scrape. Surprisingly, wine spills are not common (why waste wine?) but coffee stains are. So, when choosing a clothing item to use Resolve Gold® In-Wash Stain Remover on, a coffee stain was the inevitable choice. On a recent Sunday morning, my husband was sipping his coffee and playing a game on his phone when our 35lb Labradoodle jumped up on the sofa. It was funny to me, maybe not so much for him. To add insult (or paranoia?) to injury I told him to leave it be, and didn’t wash the shirt because I knew we’d be doing a product test with Resolve® the best day. Yep, I let the stain sit there on his $90 shirt overnight because that’s the kind of fun wife I am!
Here’s our video sharing our Resolve Gold® In-Wash Stain Remover review. Spoiler alert: the stain is gone, and we get to keep our cute Labradoodle! 🙂 Truthfully, I was a little worried. Being that it was a light-colored shirt, and a coffee stain that sat for 24 hours, I wondered if Resolve® would be up to the job! However, after pre-treating the stain with a paste made with Resolve Gold® In-Wash Stain Remover and water, letting sit for 30 seconds (you can let it sit for a max of 5 minutes for intense stains), then rinsing, it was clear right away that it took care of the stain in the pre-treat phase alone! Still, for full transparency, we washed the shirt (adding 1/2 scoop of Resolve Gold® In-Wash Stain Remover to the wash) and dried it as usual and opened the dryer to find a perfectly clean shirt.
I am now a believer and will be recommending Resolve Gold® In-Wash Stain Remover to family and friends. I admit, in the past I have been lazy about stain removal – either by pre-treating it and then tossing it in the laundry hamper (you should wash right away after pre-treating!) or by simply not using anything at all, forgetting about a stain and tossing it in the washing machine (whoops!) With Resolve®, you can treat stains as old as 7 days old so it’s always a good idea to check your clothing quickly before tossing it in the wash, and if you find a stain simply mix up a paste like I did, apply it to the stain for 30 seconds, rinse and pop it in the wash with 1 scoop of Resolve Gold® In-Wash Stain Remover.
Contest alert: Share your stain removal tip on the Resolve TipExchange® and you could win* a 7 day family vacation! Plus, weekly prizes valued at $250!
Thats great hun, you know what else works for me, I just put a little dish soap on the stain, scrub a little with a small brush, I use a nail brush that I have specifically for that, I just scrub a bit and then throw the laundry in the wash
We always have Resolve in our laundry room 🙂
Awww you should have included a picture of your labradoodle on this post! 🙂
Well done Tenille! I am a very lazy stain removal person simply because I never found anything that assisted as well as wanted. Often the stain would reappear over time. Time to try this out.
Great tips! I love this product as well. Worked great on diaper explosion stains! Ew
I could def use this! we need a better stain remover and this seems to work nicely
Resolve always meets my needs i love it
This sounds like a product I need, with 2 young kids, this would be helpful.
That was a great video you did, and yes Resolve is the best, I try to keep a container in my laundry room all the time, never know when your going to need it!!
Never used this before but need to because I don’t always remember to treat stains right away.
I have three little boys and so we are always dealing with stains and rips! I try and wash quickly and use high quality products. They really are worth paying more for.
looks great! i will have to try Resolve on our tough stains, sometimes I have trouble getting them out!
Wow, that’s pretty impressive. I have a toddler and her clothes are a disaster. They’re all a little stained/grubby looking. I’ll have to try the resolve.
We use resolve and are very impressed with it. Stains that I’ve forgotten about got a few days have been washed out
Wow! Great contest and the product works so well!
Resolve Is my go to stain remover , it works very well
That would be awesome with baby clothes, as their food stains and they get it aaaalll over
I need to try this for my grandsons uniforms in the fall
I will have to pick some up and give it a try I find my tide isn’t doing the job ,congrats on being asked to do the resolve test.
must try this; have used the Resolve spray bottle and it worked great.
I’ve never tried this product before, thinking i should!
I never have bought and tried Resolve yet, thank you for the review, I am going to try some now for sure!
we need this stuff!! my son is a mess!
I have tried the spray, but maybe I need to try the powder.
I’m not a fan of the powder stain-removers, but I love the Resolve spray. Works on most stains for me!
I’m a mom of two kids and a dog… I could certainly use a good stain remover!!!
Wonder would it work on white dress shirts? My husband dress shirts all have ring around the collar and nothing I use works. Despersate for an answer that truly works.
i wash the stain immediately and put resolve on it and leave it til the next wash day and bam its gone. also dish soap works great on grease
I love the resolve gold…it is the best stain remover ever….l usually pick up 4 to 6 bottles when l buy it but now l can’t find it anywhere…if the company that makes it please comtact me.