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It’s a Shopkins Christmas

104012M_r00s03_MooseWeb_Scroller_SPKS2_LogoIf your household includes little girls around the age of 5 and over, chances are you may be having a Shopkins Christmas. While purchasing yet another few Shopkins items this week the cashier, wide-eyed, said to me “Shopkins! I won’t know what they are but they’re really popular this season!”

I have the same sentiment. This mom doesn’t fully understand why Shopkins has become a craze among my daughters and their friends, only that it’s something I need to – excuse the Shopkins pun – feed.

pTRUCA1-18978790_alternate1_dtKids love to collect things (we’re fortunate that, unlike my relatives, it isn’t rocks!) and Shopkins taps into that desire with kids. The basic Shopkins are line of small plastic toys, the size of your thumb or smaller with faces on them. Yes, broccoli, a shoe, a cupcake. Basically anything around you could very well be a Shopkins character one day.

pTRUCA1-21024652dtI like the relatively low price point (you can get a package of Shopkins characters for around $12.99 with larger playsets around $18-$25 (prices vary, of course). My daughters (8 and 4) will play with them together and I especially love that my 4 year old will happily play with them alone when her sister is at school (I love that imaginative play!)

pTRUCA1-18978790dtYes they will probably trade some with their friends (my 8 year old started coming home with them, given to her by a friend, earlier this fall) and you may end up stepping on them from time to time, but I remind myself that when I was a kid I had some weird toy crazes go through our household too and I loved collecting my favorites as well. Shopkins are cute, fun, and encourage imaginative play – all reasons why they’re a huge hit in our house and will be under our tree this Christmas (that is, if I can get the ones my girls want before they’re sold out everywhere!)

Find Shopkins at places like Chapters, Toys R Us, Walmart and


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