My Fabulous Life

We All Benefit From Loving Touch #SoMuchMore

Recently, I was treated to a relaxation massage. Soothing music, oils, and a soft touch put me in a relaxed state I haven’t felt in a long time! As I was drifting off into dreamland, I said to the therapist, “I completely understand why babies love massage so much!”

We know the importance of touch for all ages. It speaks to who we are as human beings, we crave touch, comfort, and it makes us feel good. But did you know how important touch is to newborns, premature babies especially? It can actually make a dramatic difference in premature outcomes, and here’s one example of how it made a huge impact to one family. Moms (and dads!) grab a tissue before you watch (but I do encourage you to, it will make you feel SO good at the end!)


The JOHNSON’S brand certainly believes and promotes the power of touch. You can learn more about this at


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