Giveaways and Reviews

Pause. Breathe. And Step Into Your Greatness!

busy summerForget the holidays in the frost of winter, this is most definitely the busiest and most wonderful time of the year, don’t you think? Almost everyone I talk to is in the midst of some serious hectic scheduling but the good news is that the weather is keeping a smile on our faces.

I count myself among the frantic bunch right now. As some of you may know, we’re moving to Regina, SK (400km from where we are now!) at the end of June and that, on top of the end of school excitement has made our house a very busy one.  I’m shuffling permission forms, arrangements and paperwork for our move, and of course the clutter that I’m trying to reduce before everything goes in boxes.  There are moments where I freak out thinking about everything that needs to be done, and in those moments I have to check myself and tell myself to calm down.  It’s not easy!

It seems so timely, then, that Betty Ann Heggie’s latest blog post, Experience Wonder to Let Go of Time and Step Into Your Greatness landed in my inbox almost as though it were written just for me! Timing is everything, and Betty Ann knew that this time of the year many women would be feeling exact the same way I am.

In her post, Betty Ann explains how she has learned to let go of time and embrace her own talents and passions when doing so.  Have you ever noticed how – when you’re doing something you really love or excel at – time seems to not be relevant at all?  You’re stepping away from the clock, the schedules, and the stress and just being in the moment.  She explains ways in which we can all do this more and the benefits in the end.

Take some time (!!) to read her post this month, and then give some thought to your own talents.  What do you excel at that makes you who you are, and makes time irrelevant no matter how much is going on?  The purpose of answering this question, of course, is to entice you to do more of just that.

Me? I’d have to say writing of course.  I can get lost in a blog post or story and the time doesn’t seem to press on me.  Sometimes I look up and an hour has gone by; others it’s only been ten minutes and I’ve been able to complete the task at hand.  Perhaps this is why people say you’re ‘in the zone’ when you’re focused on what you do best.  I need more of that zone in the next few months.


This month, share what your own unique attribute or talent is.  What gives you peace and makes time slow down when you’re doing it?  One of my readers is going to win $100 PayPal courtesy of Betty Ann Heggie to help foster those talents and enjoy life during this very busy summer!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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