Giveaways and Reviews

Tara Has Flower Magic!

By Tara Richter…

Every May I can hardly stand the wait to get out to the greenhouses and see all the new plants and flowers that are arriving, just waiting to be planted. Of course I have learned from experience to wait until the END of May if I want to give any of my plants a real chance of making it through to the end of summer and escaping all risk of frost.

If you are beginner green-thumb there are a few simple steps that I posted last year that you can follow to ensure a planting success this season including; starting simple, purchasing good soil, watering properly, and dead-heading flowers throughout the season, and of course having a healthy dose of fun with it.

If even THAT seems a bit overwhelming, or you just want a fast/easy way to grow flowers this year, there is a solution for you that will make your yard full of beautiful flowers without much effort. With a little access to dirt, water and sunlight (and the ability to shake a jug) you have all the makings of a green-thumb this season to grow an amazing flower garden.

Miracle Gro now offers a product featuring a blend of flower seeds, shredded coir compost (a.k.a. coconut fibre) that is easily spread on soil, watered, and left to grow with the help of the sun.

The Miracle-Gro Flower Magic turns light brown to let you know when to water, and dark brown so you know when you’ve watered enough. Talk about taking the guess work out of watering! There is no need to dig down, space out rows, and calculate area with this handy product. With the simple act of shaking the seed, distribution is pre-planned at random. The coir compost expands to retain moisture and protect the seeds while nourishing them for up to four months!

After planting (shaking) the seeds after the last frost, you can expect to start seeing the first little seedlings within just a couple of weeks. MAKE SURE you resist the temptation to pull them up, mistaking them for weeds, as so many of my newbie gardening friends have done. In just a few more weeks the plants will resemble a spring garden salad mixture as it matures and the stalks and leaves grow. The real beauty of the flowers will appear between weeks 4 and 6 and will continue to bloom through the entire summer, or until the first severe frost (fingers crossed it won’t be late fall this year). All of the seeds are annuals, meaning that they will not reseed themselves and come up next spring.

miracle growThat is it. It’s really THAT easy to have a beautiful flower garden this summer. The Miracle-Gro Flower Magic is available in two floral blends: Multi-color, and Pink & White – so you can customize the look of your flowers! Miracle Gro products are one of my favorite, because they really do stand up to their claims, perform well, and make for healthy & beautiful plants/gardens/flowers and grasses. I have the perfect little spot to plant, or “shake” some seeds for a flower garden at my new condo. I can hardly wait until it warms up enough to start planting so I can get back to my favorite green-thumb activities!

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Tara blogger bio feisty frugal and fabulous



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