Giveaways and Reviews

HexBug Battle Spider

HexBug Battle SpiderBy Tara Richter…

My dear son isn’t one to seek out toys to play with much anymore as he tends to favor his electronics and of course sports. With that said however, we are never disappointed with the amazing and unique selection of games, books, activities and toys from Mastermind Toys. I love the “Shop by Age” option the most on their website since it really helps me to narrow in on age-appropriate items for my not-so-little boy.

We recently had the opportunity to play with the Hexbug Battle Spider ($34.95). Now I’m not one to be freaked out by real-life spiders, unlike some of my non-nature-loving friends, however I do have to admit that I gave a good jump and nearly karate-chopped this toy halfway across the room as my son engaged the remote control. As he pushed the buttons, the robotic creature seemed to come to life and started making its way across the counter – straight towards me. Of course now, his favorite ‘game’ is to scare the heck out of me by placing it in discrete locations and suddenly making it move when I’m nearby.

With the remote control, players can move their spider around and even shoot lasers at an opposing Hexbug Battle Spider. Just like in video-games, every-time the spider is hit by an opponent’s laser, it loses a life until the indicator reaches zero and the robotic spider “dies”. Of course my son and I have a healthy dose of competitive blood in our veins, and I’ll just “have to” get a second Hexbug Battle Spider so we can see who is the ultimate champion! I think I’ll order mine in Red and laser blast his spider to the death.

Mastermind Toys has various locations across Canada, however if you’re like me and prefer to shop from the convenience of your couch, you can also order from Mastermind Toys online, allowing you to browse the hundreds of great games, toys and activities for all ages. Shipping is available both in Canada and to the US. Canadian residents should note that an order over 60.00 will result in a 15.00 shipping credit against the cost on all items for Canadian destinations!

Tara blogger bio feisty frugal and fabulous


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